Connecting the dots

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Peter's Pov

I woke up and I'm glad that my powers healed.... well, everything, except my heart . Natasha told me to be strong until we clear my name because I will have time to mourn later. I look around the building and i don't see her. This place is not that full to don't see her. It's just one room and the bathroom. It  looks more like a loft. I have time to fix my suit without her being around. I can't believe she abandoned the Avengers, the earth mightiest heroes to be on my side! I decide to make some upgrades to my suit since i will be fighting Harry. Electric webs... and a new color. I have to be invisible to sneak everywhere and avoid the police....I think i have the perfect color.A black suit with  blue webs on it instead of my black ones, with red framed lenses. Also, i will add a hood... and i will add electricity in my gloves, so that when i punch someone, he will be aslo hit with electricity. The globin suit will be easier to damage that way, i think. Or that flying board that he is using. I could short circuit it. I work for some time and it's finally ready. If he is black... i can mourn my aunt in some way.
It's almost noon and I don't see Natasha. Was all a trick? I call her.
"Hey, you're awake! Sorry I left, but i had to try to find him and also, we needed food. I'm coming fast."
"But, the police -"
"You can't survive Red Room if you can't find food and know how to hide. I'm used with running away and hiding from police. It's not my first time."
"Good that one of us is an expert.Are you coming soon? " An idea came to my mind.
"2 hours. Why?"
"It's confidential."
I hung up. I have to move fast now. She will kill me the next time when i will do something like that. I bet the Black Widow doesn't get hung up by anyone.
My idea came when she said that she knows how to hide from the authorities. She needs a new suit, a new face since she is not an Avenger and SHIELD agent anymore.Let's not add that her suit have some cuts on the shoulders. I have just finished when i heard her voice.
"I'm home! I see nothing is on fire.... so what's the surprise?" she puts the bags in the kitchen and then she looks at me.
"You changed your suit! This one looks great! I see that you stole my color."
"Well, i hope you forgive me.Now,go to the bathroom!"
I see her confused face that waits for an explanation .
"Why?" she asks after i don't say nothing.
I take her hand and drag her to the bathroom and push her inside, closing the door.
"What the fuck was that, Spiderman!"
"Look inside the box on the sink!" I say and go to sit on the couch.
After 5 minutes I hear the door opening and Natasha gets out wearing the new suit.
"It's amazing!" she said to me.
"And you don't know the tech details yet! With your red lenses you can zoom, take photos if you blink twice and record if you say<< record>> . Also, you have claws on your glaves that can help you in combat and climb. I couldn't  copy my ability to stick to the walls so... you have this. Also, observe the Black Widow logo on  your palms. The next thing are your web shooters. Your suit has secret pockets, where you can stoarge 80 web fluid capsules. I made them in the lab, don't worry, they are not natural. I kept the ability of your bracelets to shot electricity. Also you can communicate with me with your mask. "
" Wow. That's amazing. I guess I have to learn how to swing with webs. "
" Good for you that I'm an expert at this. I remember my first time when i hit an window while i was swinging... and then a bus... and a tree. "
" And i need to teach you more  self defense move and how to be a shadow. My experience tells me that  Harry is dangerous enough to use some skills. And you need to help me with my mission. I couldn't find my boy and.... I'm afraid that something bad happened to him. He could have been kidnapped, or... "
" Calm down! We will find him. I know some places that you can use as a shelter. Maybe he went at F.E.A.S.T. There he will be safe. They give food and shelter to the homeless since.... since they are. But why does a you have a son? "
She takes her mask off and smiles, one of that sad smiles.
" Yes, yes i have. "
" And he ran? "
" It's a long and weird story  that started with an wrong number. "
What a weird coincidence. Imagine that kid luck to accidentally text Natasha Romanoff and became her kid.
"And you are his mom?"
"Well, online mom.So, what do you want to eat? "
"You are cooking?"
"I don't let you, until you cook perfectly Christmas cookies."
I sit on the chair at the table.
"Good point. What the boy name?"
"Peter Parker."
WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID? PETER PARKER LIKE IN ME PETER PARKER? NO, NO WAY I TALKED TO NATASHA ROMANOFF THE WHOLE TIME! My mom name was Nat.... that it can be short for Natasha... my mom was a Shield agent, but so was Natasha... and.. and my mom have personal pictures with the Avengers, she knows how to take care of a bullet wound..... oh, shit! My mom is Natasha Romanoff.
How i was so stupid to not see it! To not connect the dots.I am an idiot!
A hand snaps it's fingers in front of me pulling me out of my thoughts, where i see my mom with an worried look.
"You are ok?" she asked me.
She takes a seat next to me.
"I know it's hard to lose your family and.. I'm not good at making people feel better.. and i would lie if i said one of the bullshit<< in time  you will feel better >>because it won't, there will always be sadness.. because you loved them... and you miss them. The pain shows that you still love them, i think....sooo,how do you want your eggs? Scrambled? "she said with a smile.
" Scrabbled are fine. "
I have to know.
" And when you find the kid... what will you do? "
I see  that she stop and looks at the pan.

" I never asked myself that.... i don't know... i just want him to be safe. I guess i will bring  here? I don't know... where is safe in this city?" she laughed.
" Next to you, i think he will be safe. You are a pretty good mom..."
"Thanks? I guess." She turned her back to me and directed her direction to the food.
What do i do now? Help her find... me? Let her worry when she won't find me?

Hey, i want to know that I am safe, so don't worry.

Don't worry? You said it like it's simple!

*Texted 😁

Where are you?
Are you alright?

Depends how angry are you right now?
I will be grounded for what-30 years?



Where are you?


I look at my mom who once she heard the phone ring, she put the food in plates and put them on the table.Now her whole attention was at the phone.
I know i can trust her.

Turn around.

Kid, are you alright?
There is no way you are in the same room at me.


Nathasa's Pov

This kid will  be so grounded. I searched for him at every orphanage  and in  every  dark alley i could find close.
I was so glad when he texted me. He was alive!
The kid must be joking if he tells me to turn around like he is in the room. If he is afraid of the whole grounded thing, i joked about it. I will not ground him that long because it's impossible to be upset on him more than 5 minutes.
He calls me.
I quickly answer. I don't know what to say.
"I told you, turn around,mom.Trust your friendly neighbor, Spiderman. You are the one who told me that he can protect this neighborhood."
I turn around and i see Spiderman talking on his phone. He takes his mask off and i see a 16 years old boy with brown hair and hair who was smiling at me.
" Hi, mom. "
I froze. My mind froze. My body froze.  I hear a bang on the floor. I think i dropped my phone. All the dots are connecting... his wounds, his being awake late.... we was patrolling!

"I am an idiot!"
"That's make 2 of us." he said it smiling.
I guess I said it out loud.
I went to him and hugged him, i think a little too tight, but i wanted to be sure that he is really safe.

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