A broken heart and a rose

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Peter's Pov
I can't believe that the Black Widow beat me this time in the snowball fight. Her new  white suit was amazing. She was so quite. I didn't saw her coming.

13days later

I can't believe i became a big hero now. All kinds of villains came after me:Kingpin, Kraven, Lizard and Sandman. I had some busy 13 days and so did the Avengers.The score on the snowball fight was 1:1.We didn't have time to play again.
Today was the big day. It was the day i was going to ask Gwen to be
my partener at the Winter Prom. I was so nervous. Gwen and i wnt on a few dates, but villains always ruined them.
I took a nice bouquet of flowers for her and went to school. I see her in the hallway and i speed up. But of course my luck had to strike in! A fanfare blocked my way. I tried to get to Gwen, but it was useless. I wait until all the people leave to their classes. But then i see Gwen hugging Flash. Flash! The worst person in this school. With the girl of my dreams in his life. They are holding hands,and go past me. The fanfare was for Gwen.
"I'm sorry, Pete,but i want someone who is there for me and isn't leaving in the middle of the dates."
Ahhh! My superhero life! I never thought she was upset because I was  leaving. What could I do? The people needed me.
"And I need someone who has the decency to break up with me by telling me and not by going to a prom with the rich donkey, like Flash. The whole  money and fanfare thing i guess helped you chose between a brainless guy like him and me. Maybe i was careless in our relationship, but instead of telling me what was bothering you and trying to fix it together, you ran in others boy arms without any second thoughts. "
Gwen is socked. Flash is angry. He tries to punch me, but my spider sense is working and i catch him fist in my hand. I push his punch away, making him lose his balance. I feel that students came back to watch. I hear" Ooo! "and " Wow! ". That makes Flash angrier. He tries again to punch me, but this time, i dodge his attack and kick him under the belt. He went down immediately. I look around me and i see socked faces. I just beat Flash. Flash the bully. The wild dog.
" Let's that be a warning, Flash. You bully another kid from school and i will come after you."
I look at Gwen. She was frozen.
"Save your boyfriend from the shame."
I was done being nice. Being the punching bag. I walk outside the school even if i had classes. I take my Spider-Man suit and swing around the city. I breath in and out.
Omg! What have i done! I fought Flash, i-i skipped classes! I really needed some fresh air. Gwen breakup really shaken me. I feel the tears falling from my eyes. I guess the shock that Gwen broke up with me is gone and now i realized what happened.
I need help.
Who do i need to kill?
Wait, what?
I'm telling you, if someone hurts you, he or she is dead.
That's, illegal.
Hurting you it's illegal.
But how did you know that i didn't needed help with school?
Do you need help with school?
I skipped school!
You what?
Was that girl, wasn't she? Gwen didn't wanted to be your partner.
How did you - was that obvious?
It was actually worse. The school bully invied her with a fanfare and she practically jumped in his arms.
And why are you craying ?  For the girl who never loved you and trow you away and now she is laughing and living her life happy, while you are destroying yours? Go to school and show her that you are ok without her. Not running away means  to grow up.
You deserve someone who thinks you are too important to lose.
Thanks, mom.
Now go back to school before the IQ levels go to down without you!
I feel better. Nat is right. I can destroy me life because of Gwen. My aunt would be destroyed if she found out i skipped school or i would give up school. I need to go back and be the smartest .
I decide to change back in my normal clothes since my mask was  wet from the crying and it felt horrible on my face.
I looked at the red rose bouquet i shoved in my backpack. It was a mess. I throw the petals and leaves out of my backpack. Just one rose was intact. I don't want it to waste. I walk to school. On my way, I see a redhead lady sitting on the bench, who really looked like she had a hard day. I look at my flower. Maybe i can change some things. The flower didn't make me happy, but maybe it would do someone else happy.
"A pretty flower for a pretty lady." I gave her the flower and ran. She looked confused, but i was late for school,so no time for explanations... not that i had them.

Natasha's Pov

I hate my life.
Pepper forced me to go shopping with her. This woman is the greatest mystery to me.
First, she loves and can stand Tony. Is that even  human possible?
Second, i never saw her exercise. Running or lifting weights... nothing at all. She is always at her desk.No  training. But when it comes to shopping! О Господи!(My God! ) The woman  runs kilometers just visiting the shops! One after another. We already have been in 12 shops and Pepper is still looking at clothes. Not tired at all! She forced me to try on some clothes. No, nope, that's not for me. I tried 3 dress to please herb, but she wanted more. I guess she is happy doing this since i am the only girl in the Avengers. When I saw her that she was completely lost in the world of clothes, I ran outside. Yes, yes , yes , freedommmm! I sit on a bench. I was tired. Weapon shopping is better. My day was horrible! I sit there, when a boy comes to me, says I am pretty, gives me a red rose and then runs away. Что, черт возьми, это было(What the fuck was that? ) I want to run after him, but Pepper grabs my hand.
"I saw something that would look amazing on you!"
Someone kill me!
After the torture, we go back to the Tower. I still think about the boy. Who was he? Enemy? Spy? New Hydra agent? The young ones are good learners and they obey orders if they are afraid to be punished. I know from experience. He talked nice and gave me a flower. What does it mean? A warning? From who? Old friends or new ones? The rose didn't mean nothing to me. Who i made an enemy? A gardener? Who was the boy? Was that his face? I had my Stark-mask on, but was he also disguised? Was he just a pawn? Did someone paid him to give a rose to me? I go to Tony's lab and I heck into the security feeds of the city. I see the boy giving me the flower , then he  runs to a school. Just a pawn then. Momentarily. The flower. Maybe it is a locator device, microphone, gase bomb.... i go to Bruce's lab for a scan.
"Natalie Rushman, the flower is a red rose. A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars."
I hate Tony. Apparently, he changed the name again to Rushman.
"Cut the Wikipedia, Jarvis! Is it a bomb...listening device.... scan again!"
It can't be just a normal rose.
"It is 100% a flower."
It is a normal rose?
I can't believe it. Why did he gave it to me then? I don't know him and he doesn't know me.
A knock startled me, but i hide the surprise.
"Hey, Nat. Would you like to eat?Or you ran on coffee?" Clint said.
"I will eat lunch later. I have a problem here that i need to take care of."
"Nat-it's dinner. You stayed here all day. Bruce wants his lab back, by the way."
"I stayed here all day?!"
Oops. I said that out loud.
"What is the problem, Nat?" Clint came closer to me. How to tell him.
"Why-why would someone you don't know do something nice for you and not gaining nothing back?"
I did nothing to deserve the rose. And the boy didn't know me. He was a stranger. He had no reason to give her something.
I see that Clint was confused. The whole thing was strange, so i understand why he doesn't answer. Wait, he is smiling.
" Because they are nice and don't want something back. People do things without wanting something in change. I think you sometimes forget that you are not in the Red Room anymore.You don't have to work to recive something.Like i gave you the necklace. "
Oh, Clint, if you knew how real my nightmares are feeling... sometimes I think i never left from there.
" But i knew you for so long.You aren't a stranger. "
" I don't know what the stranger did to you, but if ot was something good... maybe he or she was trying to be nice and do a beautiful thing to make someone smile."
"Or maybe he is a spy that-" Clint put his hand on my mouth.
"Not everyone is an enemy. And you had the Stark fancy mask on. How could someone recognize you?"
"Maybe-" He cut me off again. I'm going to cut his hand.
"Maybe I'm starving and i will drag you to dinner."
Clint wasn't the best fighter against me, but i knew he would do everything for his stomach. Nothings stays between him and food.
"Fine, let me take the rose." I grab it.
"From the stranger."

I go to the dinner table and i see Steve coming. He usually was there first. He didn't looked too joyful like usually.
"Who blown your stars, Capsicle?" Tony said.
"Shut the hell up, Stark!"
Steve doesn't like that kind of talk. First the boy, and now Steve. Was he the real Steve?
Nat, that is stupid. Or?
"Language!" I say.
"Really, Nat. You know i know bad words too."
Nah, he was Steve. A normal adult would say <<I know how to curse/swear>>. Only Steve would say <<bad words >>like there were children around.
Maybe all the flower thing went to my head. Maybe Clint was right. Some people are nice. Like how Peter is. Or Spider-Man, or Clint.I still can believe the Webhead made me start a snow war with him.
After dinner I go to my room and decide to read one of my  favorite books. I put the flower in it.

Maybe some people are just nice.

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