1. Why Do You Want Me?

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Adley's POV
Aunt Izzy, dad, mom, uncle Simon, uncle Alec, uncle Magnus, Josh, Caspian and I are out finding a demon that can be killed with vampire blood. That's why we brought Josh and uncle Simon with us on this mission.

While we're waiting for the demon at the top of a office building, I notice that Josh is a little nervous. I go up to him and put my hand on his shoulder and he jumps and turns around to face me.

"Hey, it's ok it's just me. Josh, are you ok?" I ask him, worried

"Yeah, I'm just, just tired that's all. I didn't get any sleep last night." Josh replies but why do I not believe him.

"Are you sure that's it?" I double check "Yes, Adley I'm fine" He tells me again and I sigh and go back to my spot.

"Guys here it is, Josh get ready!" Mom calls to him and Josh runs next to mom and gets his fangs out.

The demon, that almost looks like a dragon, is black and red, it has huge thin wings. A long tale and breathes fire that his extremely hot. It's eyes are also dark red. We all throw our weapons at it to weaken it and it roars so loud that the sound waves almost knock you over. Uncle Alec hits his arrows at it and gets one in its eye. As it comes closer to us by weakness Josh is able to bite into it and it screams in a roar and faints to the ground. Josh grabs the dagger and takes a little cut from his arm and puts his blood on the dragon and it roars louder. As Josh is able to put more blood on it the dragon vanishes out of thin air. Josh is low of blood now so he almost faints to the ground but I catch him in time.

"Here, have some of this." I tell him and give him a blood bag. He takes it quick and starts to look better and more colour shows in his face. Josh stands up slowly and takes deep breaths. "Are you ok?" I ask him

"Yeah, I'm feeling better, thank you." Josh informs me and I smile at him.

"Nice work Josh, did I just say that?" Uncle Alec congrats him while putting his hand on Josh's shoulder. We laugh and Josh rolls his eyes.

"Yes you did, thank you Alec." Josh replies and I smile at Josh and he smiles back at me.

As we walk out of the top of the building and it's cold weather something pushes me to the wall but nothing's there. It chokes me and I can't breathe.

"Adley!" Mom shouts and tries to save me but the invisible thing grabs her too but throws her to the wall. I almost lose my consciousness until uncle Alec saves me by shooting his bow in my direction. It was a demon, the same demon that possessed me. I catch my breath when it lets go of me and goes underground back to hell. I take deep breaths and mom and dad put their hands on my shoulders.

"It was the same demon that possessed me, I know it." I tell them and everyone just looks at each other.

"What does it want with you though? It's only after you" Aunt Izzy asks me

"I have no idea" I tell her and start to get my breath back. Caspian comes up to me quick and holds me tight and I do the same.

"Are you ok?" He asks me worried and as he asks me that a pain shoots through me and I start to feel dizzy. "Adley? Ad's?" Caspian asks over and over again but I can't talk or breathe. As I start to faint everyone runs up to me.

"Adley, honey wake up come on. You're ok" I can hear mom say, why can't I talk. I can feel uncle Alec use my healing rune for me and I start to feel a little better but I still can't breathe.

"We're taking her to the 'Institute', now." Dad says and he picks me up and carries me there. All of a sudden I have no choice but to pass out.

Is Adley going to be ok? Will she be able to be healed properly? What does this demon want with her so badly? ❤️

Shadowhunters Fight Like Hero's (Shadowhunters) Sequel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now