Chapter 15 Part 2

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It's 11 pm, Josh is asleep, grasping my legs as I lay awake. I just can't sleep. I don't exactly know why but I can't. Something is telling my body I can't sleep tonight. We placed in a horror movie, but I'm not afraid of any monsters, it's something much more the world is refusing to tell me. One of Josh's hands rests on my ass while the other is on my stomach. I feel light kicks attack his fingers from inside my belly. Then slowly the kicks get harder, and faster. I rise up from my side-laying position and sit up. My lips form into a nice "O" to breathe deeply and not loose my mind. He, so I think, has never kicked nearly this hard. Josh's arms are now draped over my toes yet he hasn't moved. I don't need to wake him. I put both my hands now on my belly and massage, "Oh honey, shh shh go back to sleep now."

That didn't work, that made him kick harder, "I said sleep! Not soccer practice!"

I was loosing my sanity right now. He wasn't listening, stubborn like his mom. Great.

I feel a warm liquid trickle down my leg and I look down, clear as day. Thank god it's not blood.

But it' water breaking.

I nudge Josh, "Get up sweety, please!"

He only groans, "Just one more minute sweetheart..I looove you."

"If you love me get the hell up, our baby is going to be born on this f***ing floor if you don't get up!"

With that utter he shoots up like a spring, "this isn't happening."


"Josh it's happening, I'm going into labour."

"We are gonna be parents." He says as he puts my hair behind my ear and kisses my cheek. And I nod in delight of his happiness.

He then picks me up and we begin our journey as parents.

I hope you enjoyed!

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- Ash xox

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