Chapter 11 - Test Flight

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Hiccup harnessed me up and got on the saddle.

"Okay, more of the night less of the FURRYYYYY!!!" He yelled as I took of unable to wait. There was no way I was going to wait for him to be ready I was to ready to fly. No strings attached or no flying in the cove, this time, we actually flew! He screamed as I shot to the sky.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!" He repeated quickly as a slowed down to glide. "Oh thor, that's really high..." He worried, looking down to the ground below us. I huffed, waiting for the fun to begin where I could really fly!

"Grrrrr." I complained

"Okay there bud, we're going to take this nice and slow." He said, patting me. Ugh, why slow? I'm a fury! Slow isn't in the name! "Okay, here we go, here we go. Position three, no four!" He corrected as I felt something click and my tail wing spread out. Suddenly my gliding became much easier. I swayed back and forth slightly, trying to get something out of gliding. "Alright, it's go time, it's go time." He said to himself as he pressed himself to the tail clicked once as I began a slow dive. "Come on buddy, come on buddy!" He encouraged, wanting me to fly faster. Oh, I can do that. I picked up speed as we soared, skimming above the ocean and under a tall sea stack. The sea gulls above me squawked as I passed. "Yes! It worked!" Fishbone stated excitedly.

"Grr!" I tried to warn him there was a sea stack coming up but he wasn't listening. Suddenly he pulled back on. The saddle but that didn't do anything! He didn't change my tail wing! I crashed into it before pushing myself off it and back into flight.

"Sorry!" He apologised. He better be sorry. Suddenly another sea stack came up quick and I crashed into that one too. "My fault."he apologised again. Damn right it's his fault! I twisted my head as one of my ears slapped his face. "Ow! Yeah, yeah, I'm on it!" He promised. "Position four, no three." He muttered to himself again before I began an ascend towards the clouds. Yes! This is more like it! Might not be the best way to fly but this was better than flying. I felt so free. I stuck my tongue out, feeling the wind brush against me.

"Grrrrawww." I smiled.

"Yeah! Go baby! Oh this is amazing!" He shouted to the sky.once I reached my highest hight I stopped and began to fall. "The wind in my... CHEET SHEET! STOP!!!" He yelled all of a sudden, drawing my attention to him. Suddenly instead of being on my back I saw him above me. Oh no, this isn't good this isn't good! That means we are both gonna die.

"GRAAAWWWW!" I screamed.

"NOOOOO!" Hiccup yelled as we began falling. "Oh gods! Oh gods! Oh no!" He started spinning but soon got his balance. I began to panic. What am I going to do? I'm going to die! I'm freaking out? There's nothing I can do! My out of control tail began making me spin in all directions. Hiccup started muttering something but I didn't get the chance to hear him I was to occupied with thinking my last thoughts. I accidentally hit him in the face with my wing. Oh no! Now he's definitely going to just let me fall. I want to tell him I'm sorry but I'm not exactly getting the chance. I'm about to hit the face of the earth. After whacking him in the face he's definitely going to give up on me.

Strangely, as I started to fall I saw him still trying to reach me. He didn't give up on me? He didn't! He grabbed onto the saddle, locking his foot into the stirrup and turning me around to face towards the land. The trees were coming up quick and my eyes widened.

"Hiccup! Hiccup! Land!!!! Need to fly like right nooowwwwww-" I screamed as suddenly my tail clicked and the air pushed hard against my wings. It took all my strength. To keep my wings from tearing off me! My tail clicked again and I went back to a normal flying mode. "Don't give up on me now Fishbone!" I begged but he didn't hear me obviously.

The rocks came out way as without control I turned different directions. He's really getting this flight thing under control. I weaved in, out and around the rocks. Soon did a flip before we reached the ocean again, away from the sea stacks. I'm alive? IM ALIVE!!! He didn't give up on me! I thought he would! He really does love me!

"YEAHHHHHH!" He threw his hands up in happiness. I smiled and shot a blast ahead of me. As unusual I always fly through my blasts to celebrate. "Oh come on...." I heard him mutter. I flew through, feeling the warmth against me as a huge grin showed apron my face. As we came out the other side of the smoke there was a few seconds of awkward silence before Hiccup coughed a few times.

"Grrr." I smiled up to him.

"Eheh, thanks bud." He hugged me from above. He's thanking me? I should be the one thanking him! He didn't give up on me like everyone else always has. He's the only one who believes in me like Stargaze did.

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