Millie could hear this ringing in her ear, and it only became louder and louder.

"Yeah, I hear it too, you think the demons are mad?"

"Definitely, but I've never heard any demon do this" Millie looked at Dean with worry, afraid to lose her brother once more.

The ringing became so high they both had to cover their ears. Dean crawled over to where Millie was sitting. Dean didn't like to admit he was scared, but Millie could see it all over his face. "Stay close" Millie shouted over the ringing before everything went completely white.

When Millie woke up, it took some time for her eyes to adjust to the bright light outside. Outside? Millie noticed she had woken up laying in grass with the sun warming her skin. She looked around her and she immediately started to look for her brother. "DEAN!" she was yelling at the top of her lungs. There was a cross behind her, like a homemade tombstone. Around her, the trees were all laying on the forest ground in a perfect circle around her.

"HELP ME!" Millie could hear someone scream, but she couldn't make out where the sound came from. She heard it again as she walked around trying to figure out who was calling for help, it could be Dean. Millie stopped in her tracks and listened closely. It sounded like it came from under her feet. "Dean, are you down there?" Millie screamed at the ground. If anyone would have seen her, they would probably think she was crazy. "Millie? Yes, I'm down here" Dean screamed back, his voice sounding hoarse. Millie started to dig down in the dirt with her hands, and not far down in the ground, she touched Dean's hand. She grabbed it tight and used all her strength to pull her little brother up from his grave. Dean used some time to adjust to the light, just as Millie did, before he looked at Millie and gave her a tight hug with tears in his eyes. "Damn, you are all grown up little brother".

"I was afraid I was dreaming" Dean couldn't believe his big sister actually was back to life. He couldn't believe he was brought back to life.

"Look", Millie pointed to the trees on the forest ground.

"Who could have done something like that?"

"Someone powerful" Millie had no idea who could have brought them back, "Come'n let's have a look around".

They walked out of the forest and came to a road, they followed the road and not far away, they came to an abandoned gas station. The siblings went inside and packed water and protein bars, getting ready to leave to find Bobby and Sam. Dean was washing his face at the sink in the back of the store. "Millie..." he sounded almost scared.

"Yeah, what's up?" Millie walked over to Dean and noticed the handprint on his left shoulder "Oh, what is that?"

"I dunno, it's like a burn. Do you have one? Can you feel any burn?"

Millie took a minute to feel after any pain, she lifted her shirt and pulled down the trouser edge by her right hip, "I have it too".

Dean looked at her and they both looked equally confused.

"Hey, look here" Dean held up a newspaper, "It's September 18th, 2008".

"Damn, I've been dead for 10 years..." the truth began to sink in for Millie. She had been in hell for 10 whole years.

"Yeah, how you feeling, being back and all?"

"I honestly don't quite know yet".

As they gathered some more supplies, they started to hear the familiar ringing from hell again. The old tv in the corner turned itself on and so did the radio. Dean walked over to a window, but it scattered as soon as he started to look out of it. "Take cover!" Dean yelled as he threw himself to the ground. Every window in the little abandoned gas station scattered before everything went silent. "You ok?" Dean got to his feet and looked over at Millie.

"Yeah, I'm fine, what about you?"

"Yeah, just confused, what's up with the ringing and glass shattering, why not just show themselves?"

Millie understood that she had seen more than Dean, "I think I saw him, or it..."


"There was a bright light and this shape of a man, but it looked like he had wings and it was huge... I dunno".

Dean and Millie found a car before they jump-started it and began their drive to Bobby's house. Dean knocked on the door and Bobby was quick to open up. He looked at Dean like he had seen a ghost. "Dean?"

"Yeah, Bobby, it's me".

Bobby didn't seem to notice Millie as he invited Dean inside. Then he tested Dean with a silver knife and holy water, making sure he wasn't a demon or any other monster for that matter. Bobby then gave Dean the biggest hug Millie had ever seen Bobby give anyone.

Millie pretended to cough making her presence known. Bobby turned around and looked at her. It almost seemed like he didn't recognize her at first, "Millie?" then it looked like he was about to cry.

"Heya Bobby, long time no see" Millie smiled a real smile, tears in her eyes as well. She had missed Bobby.

Bobby launched at her and pulled her into a real bearhug. When he pulled back, he looked like a puzzle.

"Wait, you were in hell?"

"Yeah, I was" Bobby looked surprised.

"We thought you found peace".

"Far from it, but don't worry, I'm here now".

Dean started to track down Sam as Bobby and Millie started to catch up, but she wasn't ready to tell her family about her time in hell just yet. 

Millie Winchester - CastielWhere stories live. Discover now