"Look I'm not going to argue with you, I know I'm telling the truth and that's all what matte-"

"Steph, are you ready to go?" I hear from behind me.

"Ofcourse scar, let's go. U cant wait to see lizzie." I say as I give stacy one last look and she looks shocked.

"Rose, let's go sweetie." Scarlett calls out as we start walking to her car.

"Now are you ready to see your soulmate?" Scarlett teases.

"Are you ever going to stop teasing us both?"


I roll my eyes jokingly at her.

"So are you stay with us tonight, steph?"

"Um I dont know it's up to you and lizzie." I say shrugging I dont mind what happens I'm just happy I have a soulmate and I get to see her.

"I'm guessing the clothes lizzie was wearing and holding this morning are yours?"

"Yeah, she insisted that she had to take the pjs she used last night and keep them."

"Well you can just steal her clothes as pay back." Scarlett says as she turns a corner.

"Funny that's what she said."

"Well great minds think alike." She says with a smirk, making me giggle.

"Okay we're here, you gotta stay with me until we get to lizzie, because if I lose you she'll kill me."

I nod and wait for her to get rose out the car before following her onto the set.

As we get closer to were their apparently filming I can hear lizzies voice getting louder.

Once we turn the corner, I get a beautiful veiw of lizzie in a red outfit.

*let's just say they film the end first*

*let's just say they film the end first*

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"wow.." I whisper to myself.

I stand with scar and rose and watch as lizzie works.

"CUT" I hear someone shout and lizzie and the other actors stop and walk in different directions.

Lizzie just stands still and looks around and once her eyes land on me she smiles and opens her arms, indicating she wants me to run over.

I quickly make sure no one is going to be in my way, I ran over to her and throw my arms around her neck.

"Lizzie you look amazing." I say into her neck.

"Thanks baby. Come on we have a half an hour break before we film the last scene for the day, so let's chill in my trailer." I nod and we walk off to her trailer say bye to scar and rose as we walk past.

"Scarlett asked if I was gonna stay with you guys tonight, is that okay with you?" I ask lizzie as we walk into her trailer.

"If I get more cuddles, then Ofcourse you can."

I smile and nod before smirking at her.

"And I get to go through your clothes to sleep in and wear tomorrow."

"Mhm... I bet you'll look so hot in my clothes." She says wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Okay olsen, now are you done thinking about what I look like cuz I wanna get my cuddle on."

She giggles and pulls me to the 'bedroom' and we climb onto the bed and cuddle.

"Babe, why dont you get some sleep and I'll wake you when it's time to leave if you aren't awake yet." She whispers in my ear, as I was struggling to stay awake.

"Mkay." And with that I was fast asleep, cuddled into lizzie.

1130 words

soul mates ♡Elizabeth Olsen♡Where stories live. Discover now