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- Advised, while this story tries to follow Canon, it shouldn't be treated as such towards the mainline series. All rights go to Luke Pearson and Infinity Ward for the characters and settings.
- It does, however, take place in the same universe as the Monsters Inside Us, so expect mentions of other storylines.

- Hope to hear your opinions and impressions about this.


-Rookie Fictioner Presents-

War... is like a fragile powder keg. If one spark lits the fuse, it can cause a reaction that will change the very fate of humanity, forever. Its ability to destroy, kill, and suffer makes others wary of war, afraid that one mishap can have their lives cut short through uncertainty. Like the past wars have shown, fear drives the human factor to react and when that drive influences the mind, it can make a person do irrational decisions that will make them regret it.

For that fateful night, fear would have risked the lives of innocents, either through its crushing debris or its refugee effort. The fate of the city would have finalized a change... had it not been prevented by those that learned the truth, who understand why their enemies have stayed closer. Details of the event were muddy to its core but on the official papers, the night of [REDACTED]'s attempted provocation and death, including the stand-down by the defense's Chief Leader, led a large number of his kind to make their way to what draws them, without any instigation of violence.

Because of this outcome, the world has changed for the better... even though the rest of the world is left oblivious.


Like any other night, the city always finds a way to stay active. On the streets, the residents stroll through the sidewalks and reach their destinations, doing whatever they're pleased to enjoy the night. In the skies, regular flocks of birds fly peacefully above the city, with small run-ins of Woffs either joining in or minding their own business to not disturb each other. And for the city's establishments, the shopkeepers get themselves busy for the preparations, decorating their stores with themes of the annual Bird Parade – which is gonna happen in the upcoming weeks.

To everyone, the celebration of the festival is still important to the people of Trolberg.

But for others, there's only curiosity that fills the mind of something.

[February 24, 2006]

For a peaceful night on this very street, which is far or near the busy ones that occupy the night, it is a somewhat normal stroll for a family of three. Nothing too tedious and nothing too exciting. In this part of town, there's nothing but parked cars, littered leaves, and small rays of light... brightening the darkness so that they can safely pass through.

"So? What's next on our list?" the wife turns to her right, gazing upon her husband as he looks at the map.

He pauses his read and turns to her, calmly responding, "The last on our list is to head back to my Mum's. She's gonna be worried sick if we don't return by nightfall."

His wife lets out a sigh and leans her head on his left shoulder.

"Come on, mate. Can't we just roam around a little while longer?" she pouts as he softly chuckles.

"No can do, honey." The husband remains adamant as they pass by a dark alleyway, unaware of the multiple pair of eyes observing them. "Besides, we're staying here for 4 weeks and I can't think of a better way than to spend time with my family."

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