What Has He Been Doing All These Years

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Kiyotaka heard a knock on his office door. He had just arrived at the hospital after eating lunch at home with his family.

"Come in."

The door opened and Albert's head poked in through the gap of the open door.

"It's about your father."

Albert was infamously known as Kiyotaka's most trusted nurse in the hospital and it was probably true. Contrary to his huge appearance, he was a very skilled nurse. Especially when it came to looking after children. He was married but didn't have any children yet.

Even if he did, he wouldn't use them as test subjects for understanding the psychology of children.

Albert was perplexed at his friend's lack of reaction to the indirect summoning from his father. Infact, he had already noticed that Kiyotaka seemed to be avoiding his father.

A broken family? Didn't his mother also make a big scene at his wedding? 

His thoughts were interrupted when Kiyotaka stood up with a sigh, "Well, let's get going then."

"Hm? Yeah, let's go. He's on the fifth floor."


The first thing that stood out to him as he entered the man's room was not the man himself but the things around him.

There were stacks upon stacks of flowers and get well soon cards. The only time he had seen more were when big politicians were admitted into the hospital but the gifts and wishes they received were mainly from those who lick their boots.

He gazed around the room before resting his eyes on the man who was on the bed.

He was sitting on the bed reading each and every postcard with a smile on his face. It was honestly very weird to look at.

He didn't even lift his gaze as Kiyotaka came and sat down on a chair at his bedside.

While he continued reading the letter, Kiyotaka realised how much the man had changed. If he hadn't known his name, he would've looked any other random old Japanese man. Hair completely grey, droopy eyes, but most significant of all was the weak but content look on his face.

It was....... irritating to say the least.

"Ahem". He cleared his throat trying to catch the man's attention.

He was ignored.

"Oi!", he said loudly. He could hear Albert slightly opening the door to check out what the noise was who he dismissed with a shake of his hand.

When he turned back to the man, he found him looking right at him with bored expression on his face.

"What you shouting for?", he asked.... in a scolding manner?

"You were the one who called me....mister."

Smoothly ignoring the delay and what he addressed him as he said, "I just wanted to know how long till I get out of here."

"Should be a week, we just need to keep you under observation. That's all."

It was strange. 

He did not understand what was happening. 

Were they just having a normal conversion? No, they were scooting around the troublesome topics. 

If he was honest to himself, he just wanted to treat him like any other patient he had ever treated, but that would not do. The sheer influx of letters and gifts had troubled the hospital staff the whole day.

He took a deep breath. "What have been up to?", he asked grudgingly.

The man raised an an eyebrow at this question perhaps feeling amused as to the why his son with whom he had a bad relation for literally his whole life was asking about him.

Neatly avoiding the question he said, "I heard you have a daughter now-".

"Answer my question", Kiyotaka interrupted him. Something about the way he smiled as if he was completely fine with the situation and smiled as if amused at the situation irked him to no end. "-and do not even talk about my family", he added.

He sighed, "Well, what do I say. Rather it would be better to show you right?"


He gave Kiyotaka the card he was holding.

To the best teacher in the world,

                                                           Hope you get well soon!

But that wasn't what shocked him as if that wasn't a huge shock in and as of itself. Written below was a name that he recongnised a little too well.

Love, Ayanakouji Anya! 

Father and Son - Shattered Bondsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن