How The Mighty Have Fallen

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Taishi (大志) in Japanese meant great ambition. It could be said there was no other person in Japan that had a greater ambition than Ayanakouji Taishi. Maybe even in the world. It wouldn't be a lie to say at his peak, he had been one of richest people in the world with assets, funding and income from all around the world.

All of that went up in flames around 10 years ago when Kiyotaka beat him down so hard that he could not recover from his losses. After that incident, he had completely disappeared from his life. 

Now here he was being operated on by Kiyotaka for an Atrial Septal Defect after a major heart attack. With careful and delicate finger movements Kiyotaka attached the septal repair device onto the lining of the heart where the hole was present. 

It takes around 3 to 4 months for the heart tissue to fully get repaired but the patient would be placed under observation for a week to see any negative effects like dementia caused due to damaged grey matter in the brain.

There were dark thoughts running in his mind as he operated on his father. But it would be illogical to do anything harmful to him when his team was in such close quarters, the moment they spoke up it would be over as there was always recorder in the operation theatre which had to be on at all times.

His father was now sleeping in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) under observation by the nurses.

He went to his office to take his coat with him home. It was already past midnight and he had forgotten to send a text to his wife that he was going to come home late. She was probably still awake, waiting for him. 

As he packed his briefcase for the second time that day and left his office, he took out his phone and called his wife,  who picked it up after two rings. She must have been waiting for his call.



"That's right."

"There was an emergency, I'll be home in an hour."

"You better be! Do you know how long Anya was awake waiting for you?! She went to bed just half an hour ago because you promised her that you would tell her a bedtime story."

"Ahh... I see. I'll tell her I'm sorry tomorrow."

"Fine, just..... come home safe. I was worried because you said you weren't working the night today."

He smiled when heard this, he opened the car door and said, "Let me show you how sorry I am when I get home."

He could here a squeak from other end as he turned on his car engine. 

"Ahh mou!", she exclaimed. "Fine, but don't expect me to forgive you very easily.", his wife said in a sultry voice.

"I'm coming...", he whispered before ending the call.

He pulled out of the parking lot and sped up as he travelled along the empty roads at midnight. He thought back to what his wife was saying earlier.

I am a terrible father.

It was true he had heard many times from his friends that the moment they held their child they felt that they could do anything in the world for them. A sense of affection and protectiveness arising from within themselves for their newborn.

Four years ago when Anya was born, he had felt nothing. He wanted to feel it but nothing ever came to him. It was the same as it was that day till now.

The love he currently showed her unlike the one he showed for his wife. It was more of his duty as a father rather than genuine love for his his own child. 

He could probably blame it on the man who was in the ICU but he knew that it was just running away from his problem.

Strangely though, the little girl seemed to be more attached to Kiyotaka than her mother. He could not fathom why.

Regarding that man, he had already made the arrangements to have another doctor take care of him, so that he would not have to see his face during his stay at the hospital. 

There was one more person he needed to speak to before he reached his home. There would be no reason for a person to be awake at such an hour but he had a hunch that she would be awake.

He was right.

"Hello mother, something interesting happened today."

Sensei is a term that is not only used for teachers, but also for doctors, artists, mangakas, lawyers, etc.

Regarding his wife, yes its Kei. But she will not be a main character in this story. Probably why I'm refraining from using her name. So feel free to imagine its your ship in her place.

The story is to explore the relationship between 30yr old Kiyo with his failure of a father and his relationship with his daughter who he wants to love but cannot.

Are you guys liking the fic so far? 

I see it as something that has to be done right otherwise it would flop spectacularly.

I started writing this one as a challenge to see if I could write a fic with a serious setting and fleshed out, realistic characters. 


Father and Son - Shattered BondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora