Chapter 20 - his birthday

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After the NHL awards, the team went to training camp near Pittsburgh, and spent two weeks there, getting back in shape again and working on their strategies together. Brooke was there as well, taking care of everyone, and just spending time with them after their daily practice. The camp lasted two weeks in which they weren't allowed to go home, but it eventually ended and the coach let everyone leave with the promise of staying in shape until the season would start again.

Back in Pittsburgh, Brooke spent most of her time preparing her surprise for Sid. She knew he was getting jealous, because she rarely had time for him anymore, and because she didn't tell him what she was doing with Beau, Duper, Flower, Geno and David. Brooke tried to spend as much time as possible with him, so she was always rushing from one place to another.

When the day of his birthday arrived, Brooke prepared breakfast in bed for Sid. When she entered his bedroom with the tray, he was just sitting up. Brooke smiled at him and carefully placed the tray on the bed next to him before leaning over. "Happy Birthday Sid," she said with a soft smile and Sid returned it and pulled her towards him, pressing a kiss onto her lips. "Thanks Brookie," he then mumbled and Brooke smiled at him and crawled onto the bed next to him. "I made breakfast. Take whatever you want," she stated and Sid nodded and pulled the tray closer to himself. "You are the best, Brooke," he stated happily and Brooke just grinned at him and leaned back while he ate his breakfast.

When he had finished everything, Sid placed the tray aside and turned to look at Brooke. "So what's planned for today?" he asked her and Brooke bit her lip. "I have to go meet my dad in the afternoon. He wanted to talk something through with me...I'll be back by the evening though, and I'm free until then," Brooke said and Sid pouted shortly but then just pulled her into his arms. "Let's make the best of it then. Come shower with me," he said and Brooke nodded with an amused smile and followed him into the adjoining bathroom. After taking a long and relaxing shower together, they both got dressed and Sid took his phone from the bedside table. "Huh, strange. No one has called yet," he mumbled more to himself, missing the amused grin Brooke sent him. "All right, I need to go or I'm going to be late for practice. I'll see you later?" he asked when they reached the door and Brooke nodded, taking her bag and stepping out of his house next to him. "I don't know how long it'll take with dad, but I'll call you when I'm on the way," she promised, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips before walking towards her car and getting in. Sid watched her drive away with a smile on his face and then went to his own car, driving towards the Consol Energy Center for the daily practice.

When he got there, he was smiling happily, but his smile faded when no one took notice of him, even though most of the guys were already there, getting ready for practice. He just shrugged and got ready as well, followig them out on the ice afterwards. When still no one had wished him happy birthday halfway through practice, he skated up to Flower and leaned against the goalpost. "Eh Flower, do you know what day it is?" he asked on purpose, and Flower put up his mask. "Yeah, friday. Did you take a hit to the head, Sid? You should go check that up if you don't know the weekdays anymore," Flower stated and Sid just stared at him for a second before skating off and continuing with his practice.

After a good practice, everyone went to the wardrobe and Sid looked around, sesrching for a cake. He sighed quietly when he didn't see one, and soon after everyone had changed back into regular clothes, leaving the wardrobe one after another. "Sid, would you mind staying a bit longer?" Coach Johnston asked him and Sid nodded, perking up and walking towards the coach, who was standing at the door. Coach led him to his office, where he sat down with Sid. "All right, I just want to look at a few plays with you." Coach Johnston pulled out a few papers and handed them to Sid, and he just nodded and ran his fingers through his hair, looking at the plays and imagining them in his head.

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