Chapter 19 - NHL awards

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Brooke stepped out of the car in Las Vegas a week later, gratefully taking the helping hand Sid was offering her and smiling at him slightly when she stood next to him on the red carpet. Many fans had come to see the NHL awards and meet their stars, and of course there was a red carpet and some interviewers. Sid just placed his arm around her waist and smiled at her shortly before leading her onto the carpet, and Brooke just followed him, carefully holding up the beautiful red gown she'd bought with Taylor, so she wouldn't step onto the seam. They posed for the cameras and Sid went over to a few of the fans, giving them autographs, while Brooke just stayed close to him and smiled while observing everything. Eventually, they were a bit on the side, and a very beautiful dressed lady came closer, holding a microphone. Sid, who had once again placed his arm around Brooke's waist, just smiled at her and greeted her in his usual friendly way, and the woman smiled at him shortly before looking at the cameraman behind her, and when he nodded, she started the short interview. "First of all, Sid, you look absolutely handsome tonight, and your accompaniment looks very beautiful as well. I assume she is your girlfriend?" "Yeah, that's my girlfriend Brooke, and thank you," he stated with a smile. They talked about the several awards he was nominated for, like the Hart Memorial Trophy, Ted Lindsay Award and the Art Ross Trophy. He'd already gotten the Conn Smythe Trophy for playoff MVP, since this award was usually given straight after the last game, but being nominated in three categories was extremely good. The Art Ross was practically his, since he had been the best scorer through the season, so the only two uncertain awards were the Hart Memorial for MVP of the whole season and the Ted Lindsay for the MVP, chosen by the players union. Brooke listened to the interview with a soft smile and tilted her head. Eventually, the woman thanked Sid and he nodded with a smile and led Brooke further towards the building, holding her close to himself all the while. "Let's go inside, yeah?" he asked and Brooke nodded and just followed him. Sid let go of her waist on the staircase, taking her hand and weaving their fingers together.

Inside the building, they were led towards their seats, and shortly after they had sat down next to each other, Kris Letang came towards them with his wife. He was nominated for the James Norris Memorial Trophy for best defenseman and the Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy for perseverance, sportsmanship, and dedication to the game, and Brooke really hoped he'd win one or both of them. They talked shortly until Kris and his wife had to go back to their seats again, and Brooke just leaned back and looked around. She knew most of the players from the games and had even met a few of them before, so it was very interesting to her. When the award ceremony started, Sid placed an arm around Brooke and she leaned onto him, letting her head rest on his shoulder for a bit. The hosts came onto the stage and everyone clapped for them. Sid and Brooke clapped as well and Brooke sat up a bit, looking onto the stage. The hosts led through the ceremony, giving out the first awards and honoring the Penguins once again for their Stanley Cup win. Brooke looked at Sid with a soft smile and then turned towards the stage, looking at the Hart Memorial Trophy that had been brought out, and she softly squeezed his hand that was holding hers. Sid turned his head and looked at her, leaning closer and pressing a short kiss onto her cheek. "You're more nervous than I am," he stated with an amused grin and Brooke just shrugged and smiled at him. Seconds later, the hosts announced the winner of the Hart Memorial Trophy: "Sidney Crosby!" The spotlight shone onto Sid and he got up under the cheers of everyone in the room. Brooke got up as well to let him get out of the seats, and he pressed a soft kiss onto her mouth and smiled at her before walking towards the stage and accepting his award. He then went behind the microphone and swallowed once, and Brooke just smiled from her place and looked at her handsome boyfriend. "Uh...first of all, I want to thank the Organization for choosing me. There are a lot of great players these days, so it's an honor for me to win this. And..uhm, I also want to thank everyone of the Pittsburgh Penguins. The staff, and of course my teammates - I wouldn't be able to play the way I can if my team wouldn't be that good. Also, not to forget my family, for always supporting me through everything. Last but not least, I want to thank my beautiful girlfriend Brooke, who's been by my side ever since we met. I love you," he stated before lifting up his trophy once again and leaving the stage. There was no denying that Sid was a bit awkward at times, but Brooke adored him just the way he was, with all his awkwardness.

"Congratulations, Sid," she stated softly when he came back to them and Sid sat down next to her and showed her the trophy. It wasn't the real one, because it would've been too big, but a smaller and lighter replica of it, and Sid would get the real trophy a bit later. "I liked your speech," Brooke mumbled while the ceremony went on, and Sid just groaned. "I was so sure of what I wanted to say, but when I was standing there, I couldn't remember half of it," he said and Brooke just giggled quietly and shook her head, while Corey Crawford of the Chicago Blackhawks went onto the stage to receive the Vezina Trophy for best goaltender of the season. "Don't worry, you said everything you needed to say," she promised Sid, who just smiled at her and then they both turned towards the stage again. Several other awards were given away, and when the Ted Lindsay Award was brought out, both Brooke and Sid tensed up a bit. "And the Ted Lindsay Award, the MVP chosen by the players union goes to...Sidney Crosby, Captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins!" Sid got up again and Brooke did as well and hugged him, kissing him softly before taking the Hart Memorial trophy so he could go on stage and accept the other one. Sid once again gave a short speech and thanked everyone, and then went off the stage once again, going back to his place next to Brooke. She greeted him with a smile and then looked at the Ted Lindsay trophy he was carrying, and Sid showed it to her, leaning back in his place. "This is really unbelievable," he stated, still in awe, and Brooke nodded in agreement. They both looked to the stage again when the Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy was announced. Kris sadly hadn't won the James Norris trophy - Duncan Keith from the Blackhawks had won that one, so both of them were hoping for him to win the Bill Masterton. When Kris was announced, Brooke started clapping, and Kris high-fived Sid on his way too the stage, smiling from ear to ear. He made an awesome speech, and Brooke just listened to him with a smile and then clapped once again when he left the stage with his trophy. Kris really deserved it, and everyone in the room knew it. Sid also got his Art Ross trophy, and eventually all the awards had been given out and everyone was talking to each other, as well as interviews that were going on. Brooke just followed Sid around, smiling softly and watching him do interviews with different people. Sid kept her close and looked out for her, and even though Brooke always stayed on the side whenever he was giving an interview, he made sure she was close and didn't get out of his sight. Eventually, he received the real trophys and posed with them for a bit, and Brooke took his replicas and went over to Kris' wife to talk to her for a bit, while both of their men were doing interviews and posing for everyone.

The real party started a bit later, and Brooke got Sid to dance with her for a bit until they decided to head back to the hotel. It wasn't too late when they got back to the hotel with the three replicas of the trophies Sid had won, and back in the hotel, Brooke changed out of her dress into something more comfortable - one of Sid's shirts and some shorts. She then joined Sid on their bed and cuddled onto him, placing her head on his chest. "Congratulations again, by the way. I'm really proud of you," she stated softly and Sid looked at her with a smile. "Thank you, Brookie. It's an honour to be receiving those awards. I'm just a usual guy, doing what he loves, I'm really nothing too special," he responded and Brooke just shook her head at him. "Of course you are! You're one of the best players in the league right now! You've been compared to Wayne Gretzky. That isn't 'nothing too special', Sid. Your modesty in all honour, but you can't deny how incredibly talented you are," she told him and Sid just looked at her with an amused grin on his face. "What?" Brooke asked irritated and Sid just shrugged and pulled her closer to himself. "It's cute, how you're defending me. You're really awesome," he just said and a smile broke out on Brooke's face. "Of course I'm defending you. I love you." "I love you too, Brookie," Sid responded and pulled her towards him a bit more, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Brooke returned the kiss and leaned up a bit afterwards, leaning onto her elbows over Sid. He just looked up at her with a smile and Brooke couldn't help but return his smile. "What do you want for your birthday, by the way?" she asked and Sid just shrugged and reached out, softly caressing her cheek. "I'm perfectly happy with the way things are right now. The only thing I want is you," he stated and Brooke grinned. "Sap. You've already got me, so you need to wish for something else," she told him, but Sid just shook his head and started playing with Brooke's hair that was falling over her shoulders. "I really can't think of something. I'll tell you if I do though, all right?" he asked and Brooke nodded and leaned down again, pressing her lips onto his once more.

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