Chapter 16 - Holidays?

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Brooke and Sid stayed in Halifax for a few days, visiting all the places where Sid had often been as a teenager, and Sid showed her around proudly. Most of the people they met knew Sid, and they had to stop quite a few times whenever they were walking around in the city, but Brooke always stood aside with a smile and watched Sid interact with them. Seeing him with children was always especially cute, because she could easily see how much Sid loved kids, and they seemed to love him as well, asking thousands of questions and not letting up, even when their parents told them to stop, and Brooke still admired how Sid took time for each and every one of them. Eventually, they had to go back to Pittsburgh, and Brooke had to promise Trina to visit them again soon, which she agreed to happily. Troy brought them to the airport and told them that he was really happy for both of them before letting them leave. When they were on the plane home a bit later, Sid brought up an idea he'd had. "How about we go on holidays for two weeks or something?" he asked Brooke, who was sitting next to him, a book open in front of her. She turned her head towards him and smiled thoughtfully. "Sounds great. Where did you want to go?" she asked him and he shrugged, running his fingers through his hair. "I was thinking about maybe going somwhere to a beach, where it's warm, and just...relax?" he eventually said and Brooke smiled at him and nodded, closing her book and placing it on the side. "I'd like that. We could go to Bora Bora? A good friend of mine went there for her honeymoon and she said it was paradise on earth," Brooke stated and Sid nodded thoughtfully. "We'll have to look at it a bit closer back at home, but it sure sounds awesome," he said and Brooke just smiled at him and then continued reading her book.

When they were back at Sid's house, they started looking for where to go on Holidays, and both Sid and Brooke liked what they saw of Bora Bora, so they booked the trip, starting a few days later, and they would stay there for two weeks, just relaxing and enjoying the break. Brooke was really excited for it, and over the next few days, she packed up everything and visited her parents, spending a day with them while she had the time. Her mother wished her a good time on holidays and her father reminded her that he still had an eye on them, making Brooke shake her head with an amused laugh before getting into her car and driving to Sid's, where she would spend the night, as they had to leave early the next morning. Sid was already waiting for her, and they decided to order a pizza and watch a movie. Brooke changed into comfortable clothes while Sid prepared everything, and then they just made themselves comfortable on Sid's spacious couch while starting on the movie. Brooke just laid on top of Sid and had wrapped her arms around him, and Sid had an arm wrapped around her while they watched the movie and laughed from time to time. When the doorbell rung, they paused the movie and Sid went to pick up the pizza. Brooke followed him to the door and smiled at the starstruck face that the delivery boy had on his face while Sid paid for the pizza and gave him an autograph. Afterwards, they just went back to the couch and started munching on the pizza, starting the movie again. When Brooke had finished her share, she got comfortable on Sid again and placed her head on his chest so she could still see the screen. He just chuckled and placed an arm around her shoulder, still not finished with his pizza. After the movie was finished, they decided to go to bed so they wouldn't be too tired the next day, and Brooke cuddled onto Sid again under the covers, while he had once again placed his arms around her. "I can't wait to get there," Brooke mumbled softly and Sid nodded with a smile and leaned towards her to press his lips onto hers. Brooke returned the kiss and it soon turned a little more into a make-out than just kissing. Sid softly caressed Brooke's body, and she eventually was on his lap while they kissed.

They got up around six the next morning, not quite as recovered as they could have been due to their late night activities, but the anticipation woke them up better than anything else, and they just ate a small breakfast before Fleury arrived to drive them to the airport so they didn't have to leave their car there. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, kids, eh?" Fleury told them at the check-in and Brooke just hugged him with a laugh before following Sid and lacing their fingers together. Her handsome boyfriend looked at her with an excited smile, leading her through the airport. "I've never been on a vacation with a girlfriend before," he stated a bit later, when they were at the gates, waiting for the plane to be ready for boarding. Brooke just smiled amusedly and leaned her head on his shoulder, stretching her legs a bit. "It's a new experience for me too," she stated. They didn't talk about prior partners much, but both of them knew that the other had been in other relationships before, and that was everything they really needed to know. Eventually, they could go on the plane, and Sid took the place by the window, while Brooke sat down next to him and put on her seatbelt. They were flying first class, and the flight definitely would be a long one with more than 20 hours, but they both were used to flying and had brought their game boys. "Ready for the fight?" Sid asked Brooke with a wide grin when they were up in the air twenty minutes later and Brooke just laughed quietly. "You know I love you, but I am going to destroy you. Fleury bet twenty bucks on me, by the way," she stated and Sid grumbled something that sounded a lot like "traitor," before starting up the game. Since this wasn't a flight with the team, they had to keep quiet, but Brooke had already noticed a few curious gazes on them anyways, or more like, on the great Sidney Crosby. He hadn't noticed it, too focused on her and the game. They played for almost an hour, and it was a pretty close fight, but in the end, Brooke won five to three. Sid just groaned and put away his game boy while Brooke couldn't help but stick out her tongue at him. Their lunch was brought soon after, and they both leaned back while eating, and Brooke took the chance to look out of the window a few times. After eating, Sid pulled out a hockey magazine and handed Brooke her book, and they sat next to each other in comfortable silence for the next few hours.

After around twelve hours of flying, Brooke had read her book, watched a full movie and had eaten another time, so she decided to just try and sleep for the rest of the flight. Sid and her put their chairs back as much as they could and they lifted the headrest between them so Brooke could cuddle onto Sid - which was also her favourite position to sleep - and then also pulled a blanket over them that the nice flight attendant had brought them a bit earlier. Brooke placed her head on Sid's chest and closed her eyes, enjoying to have him next to her, and still very much looking forward to their holiday. She fell asleep thinking about what they could do in Bora Bora, and her dreams also were about their time together.

Tough Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें