Chapter 2 - The first game

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Brooke put on a grey shirt and some black ripped jeans the next morning after eating a quick breakfast, tying her hair together in a ponytail before taking her travel bag and leaving the apartment to get to the airport, where the team would meet up to fly to St. Louis together. She arrived there at a quarter to nine, and found the other guys pretty soon after. They were already standing around - most of them wearing suits - and Brooke stepped up to them confidently. "Good Morning, gentleman," she said with a smile and they greeted her with friendly smiles before turning back to their conversation. They boarded the plane ten minutes after, when everyone had arrived at the airport, and Brooke looked around for a place to sit, before Kris waved her towards him. "Come on Brooke, you can sit here," he told her and Brooke sat down next to him with a thankful smile, leaning back and observing the other guys. When everyone was seated, the door was closed and soon after, they were up in the sky, flying towards St. Louis. It was pretty fascinating to Brooke that the Penguins had their own airplane, but it made sense due to their travelling schedule and she also knew from her father that all the teams had their own planes to get to their away-games.

After a while, Brooke noticed a few guys taking out game boys and when she looked at Kris, he also had one in his hand. "What are you playing?" she asked him curiously and he tilted the display towards her a bit, showing her the game he was currently playing. "Just some shooter game. You want to try?" he asked with a smirk, obviously expecting her to deny, but Brooke just grinned and nodded, taking the game boy and biting her lip. Five minutes later, the first curses could be heard in the plane and eventually, Brooke had eliminated everyone else, making her the winner. "God damnit Letang, how did you get so good suddenly?" Sidney said, leaning towards them from diagonally across and Kris just held up his hand. "It wasn't me. Brooke was playing," he stated and everything turned quiet, causing Brooke to look up. "What? Never seen a girl play a shooter game before?" she asked, raising her eyebrow and Fleury started to laugh. "I think you fit right in, Brooke. Alright, I'm asking for revenge now. You are so going to die," he stated and Brooke couldn't help but grin. "You're on, Flower," she responded and a bit later, they were full on having a war on the game boys. Brooke gave it back to Kris after she'd beaten everyone again, and then changed places when Beau motioned her towards him. "So, if you're Mario's daughter, why have you never been there at the games?" he asked her interestedly, and Sid, who was sitting across from her now, tilted his head curiously. Brooke leaned back and smiled at Beau next to her. "I've been in a boarding school in England since I was twelve. I only recently came back after I'd finished my studies in London," she said thoughtfully and a few of the guys started to ask her a few questions.

When they landed in St. Louis a bit later, everyone was in a good mood and Brooke had made a few new friends on the team. They went to the hotel to check in first and Brooke took the chance of having the next few hours to her own until the training to look around St. Louis a bit. Of course, she was there for the afternoon training, and she took another look at Evgeni's leg when he came to her in a short break. She also listened to the Coach and his assistant and just watched the guys practice until everyone disappeared in the showers. The coach talked to her for a bit and eventually, they all went to eat something together in the hotel. "Brooke! Are you up for another round of war?" Fleury asked her after they had finished eating and Brooke grinned at the goalkeeper. "Sure, if someone lends me his game boy?" she said and Sidney gave her his own with a thoughtful look. "Here, take mine," he told her and she thanked him before starting the game against Fleury.

The St. Louis Blues were a hard opponent, and as it was the first time for Brooke to be next to the bench, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She also noticed a few guys from the other team looking at her and one of them even made a vulgar motion with his hand, but she'd expected that to happen sooner or later, so she just ignored him and looked at the Coach, who was standing next to her, shouting instructions for the game towards the players on the ice. Suddenly the fans were shouting and everyone jumped up, and Brooke's attention was on the ice. She saw number 87 on the ground, holding his ankle, and she knew immediately that it was Sid. Kris helped him up and towards the bench, and Brooke immediately went towards him. She leaned forward a bit so he could hear her and turned to look at him. He was pressing his teeth together, so she figured he'd been hurt. "I would like to look at this, do you think you can walk back to the wardrobes?" she asked him after looking at the Coach shortly and Sid nodded and took a deep breath, getting up with her help and walking towards the wardrobes. He got down on a bench there, and Brooke stood in front of him. "Okay, you have to tell me the exact moment when it hurts. Do you think it's just pulled or worse?" she asked and Sid looked at her. "I think it's just pulled or something, but it hurts like hell", he told her. Brooke nodded and went to work, feeling his leg and nodding in satisfaction a bit later. "It seems to be okay. Just put some ice on it in the evening and put a bit of ointment on it and it should be okay," she stated and when she looked up, Sid was looking right at her with an unreadable expression. "Why do you not like me?" she asked him curiously, because he always seemed closed off towards her. "It's not that I don't like you. I just don't want the guys to be distracted. They need to focus on the game to one hundred percent, and you're a huge distraction for them," he explained and Brooke just shook his head. "Look, I won't hook up with any of them, if that's what you're thinking. This is work, and I enjoy it. The guys are really nice, but I take this as serious as you do, and I want to help you win the Stanley Cup. I promise you, I won't hook up with any of the guys. Just...give me a chance," she asked him and a small smile spread on Sid's face. "I guess I have to. I think we could become good friends, Brooke. Also, your hands are magical. It's really gotten better," he stated and Brooke laughed quietly and stopped massaging his leg. "All right, then we'd better get back to the game," she said and Sid carefully got off the bench and followed her out after putting his guards back on and taping himself up again.

Brooke patted his back shortly before moving back to her place next to the Coach and he sat down on the bench and observed the game again. "How is he?" Coach Johnston asked her and Brooke looked at the man. "I think it won't make any problems. Just a tense muscle, but he's able to play," she stated and the Coach nodded. Sid went back on the ice a bit later, and in the last third of the game, he scored a goal after an assist from Geno, coming back to the bench to celebrate the goal that made them win the game five to three. When they were walking back to the wardrobe after the game had ended, Sid stopped outside and looked at Brooke when she reached him. "You really helped me, Brooke. Thank you, honestly," he said and Brooke just smiled. "It was a pleasure. It is my job after all," she responded and Sid laughed and hugged her shortly before stepping into the wardrobe as well. Brooke just waited outside until everyone was ready to leave, and back in the hotel, the guys split up. A few of them went out, others went straight to bed. Brooke went to her room as well and decided to watch a movie, and right when she'd gotten comfortable with a few snacks, there was a knock on her door. Sidney was standing outside in some sweats and a tee, and he scratched the back of his neck. "Do you have ointment? I can't find the one I usually have with me...," he asked her and Brooke nodded and let him inside, going to search for her medical bag. "Here you are," she stated afterwards, and to her surprise, Sidney had gotten down on her bed and was watching the movie. "I was watching that as well. We could watch it together, if you want?" he asked and Brooke smiled softly and nodded. "Sounds good. I can massage this onto your leg if you want. Massages are always good," she added as an afterthought and Sidney nodded thankfully before getting comfortable on her bed. Brooke went back to her place and pushed up the leg of his sweats before starting to massage the ointment into it, still watching the movie. Afterwards, they just sat on her bed in comfortable silence and sometimes made a comment about something that was happening on screen. Sidney got up when the movie had ended and pulled down his sweatpants again before turning to Brooke. "Thanks again. Good night, Brookie," he said softly and Brooke returned it with a soft smile and then watched him leave. As it was pretty late already, she decided to just sleep, and her eyes fell closed soon after.

Author's Note

Hi guys! I know my chapter aren't the longest, but always remember that I do this for fun and relaxation, so don't expect too much from me, please! :)

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend stellawynter, and if I could, I would also dedicate it to Leaena, because she's reading everything I write and correcting me from time to time.

She also writes awesome stories in german, so go check her out!

Critic and Comments are always welcome!


- Rae

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