Chapter 40 [Peaceful Ending]

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[Art is not mine]

Akame's P.O.V

It's been just about six and a half year's since the war against the empire ended, me and Tatsumi had finally settled down and found peace with our past.

After Tatsumi made our new home we found out i was pregnant and when Kurome found out she was both happy and a little angry with Tatsumi, but luckly Wave stoped her from doing anything, nine month's later i gave birth to a healthy baby girl that me and Tatsumi had named Nakano, she's quite the scraper.

She's fought several kid's that picked on her friend's, hell she even made a Danger Beast run away.

But she's still just a little ball of sunshine, she's always smilling and just making our day that much better.

Akame:"Nakano, it's time for breakfast come in so you can eat."

Nakano:"Okay mommy!"

I was getting the berries ready for the rest of our meal when Nakano came in with something in her arm's.

I was getting the berries ready for the rest of our meal when Nakano came in with something in her arm's

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Akame:(Did she really find another animal to chew on?):"Honny you can't do that."


Akame:"Cause that's probably hurting the poor thing, now you wouldn't be to happy if this little thing was doing that to you now would you?"

Nakano:"No, i'll stop then."

Akame:"Good, cause i don't want you ending up with a bunch of fur in your mouth."

Nakano:"Okay, bye bye little guy."

She let the thing go and it ran off faster than even i could, once it left Tatsumi came in the door after finishing up the barn where we would have our livestock.

Tatsumi:"I'm back."

Akame:"Dear, you should really stop working before sunrise you have expirience with what happen's when you're using tool's and can't see."

Tatsumi:"Yeah, please don't remind me."

I'm talking about the time he was working on the barn and accidentally nearly broke his hand with a hammer.

Akame:"Well breakfast is ready, eat up before it get's cold."

We all sat down at the table and ate breakfast, after that i wanted to talk to Tatsumi about something very important.

Tatsumi:"Are you okay dear? You seem on edge."

Akame:"Well i have to tell you this, Tatsumi if you remember a couple night's ago."

Tatsumi:"Yeah, 'cause you used...that on me again.":(I'm not saying it out loud just in case Nakano is listening in on us.):"What is it?"

Akame:"Well Tatsumi-

Akame:"Well Tatsumi-

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-I'm pregnant."

For about two or three second's he stood there in either shock or surprise, i really couldn't tell from the look on his face which it was but then he hugged me tight.

Tatsumi:"Well, we shouldn't keep the good news away from Nakano."

Akame:"Yeah, let's tell her."

We walked outside and saw Nakano playing with her toy's, we called her over to tell her the news.

Nakano:"Yes mommy and daddy?"

Akame:"Nakano, we have some good news for you."


Tatsumi:"You're gonna be a big sister very soon."

Nakano:"*Gasp* I am?"

Akame:"Yes you are."


She was so happy to find out that she's going to be a big sister when our next child is born, it was the happiest i've ever seen her and that's saying something since she's always happy.

It will only be nine month's until she get's to see her baby sibling.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the story, i'll see y'all when the "Subhuman's" rise bye]

|Just to let y'all know, me saying subhuman is a teazer for my next story.|

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