"Woah! Magnus, Izzy, relax, I just got overwhelmed. Alec didn't do anything, instead, he was calming me down. It's my wedding day after all."

"Is that the only reason he's here?" Izzy asked skeptically. "You don't need to hide if he was mocking you or making fun of you, Clary. We'll kick his ass or throw him out of here if you want."

"I second that." Magnus chimed in with a bitter tone.

Speechless, Clary looked between the three of them and noticed the hurtful look in Alec's eyes, even though he said nothing. "What is wrong with you two?" She asked in a calm voice, "And don't blame pregnancy hormones. I'm pregnant too and I know it's not this bad."

"First, biscuit, let me fix your makeup." With a snap of his finger, her lightly done makeup was back in the way it was, having a perfect contrast to her royal outfit. "Perfect." He grinned. "Second, nothing's wrong with us. We're just looking out for you."

"Umm... I'll... I'll go check on Jace." Alec said in a small voice and rushed out. Before Clary could stop he had already ran out but she was certain that she noticed tears shining in his eyes before he left. Turning towards Magnus and Izzy, she crossed her arms, glaring at the two for hurting her brother.

"What in the world was that and why do you think Alec would hurt me? Are you two taking out somebody else's anger on him? If so, it's not right!"

"We're taking nobody's anger on Alec and you..." Izzy pointed at her hair, "should start doing your hairstyle else, you'll be late for your own wedding."

"Don't change the topic, Izzy." Clary pushed, "As far as I know my parabatai, you would've broken Magnus's bones till now for talking to your brother that way but instead, you kept quiet. That's unlike you. So either tell me what's going on or this wedding will not proceed."

"Biscuit?" Magnus stared at her with a blank expression. "Why are you trying to ruin your marriage for a stupid thing like this? We were just concerned about you."

"I don't buy that Magnus and I'm sure Jace will agree with me. It's about his parabatai. What you said had clearly hurt him."

"Alec and Magnus had a fight earlier today and my dear brother was in the wrong so I'm teaming up with Magnus to teach my brother a lesson." Izzy stated fiercely, "And I haven't said anything because Alec said something equally hurtful to him. He was crying. Now back to your hairstyle-"

"Back to nowhere." Clary interrupted, "Izzy, you realize Magnus is almost four months pregnant and his emotions and hormones are haywire every damn second. Did you even witness what happened?"

"I know how stubborn and sassy my brother is, Clary. And this new Consul position is making him stressed but that doesn't justify him making my brother-in-law cry." Izzy huffed.

With a sigh, Clary tilted her head sideways and stared at the giant baby, which she now realized why Alec keeps calling him that. "What exactly happened Magnus, and I'm not proceeding with any makeup or dressing up until I get to the depths of it!"

"We got into an argument at lunchtime," Magnus said flatly.


"You won't give up, will you?" Magnus sighed as she kept her hard gaze fixed into his eyes. "About... umm, about the names of honeybun and munchkin."

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