Chapter 1

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I woke up a throbbing headache and the sunlight hitting my face was not helping. I groaned and murmured profanities under my breath,into my pillow. I felt something move behind me,I turned and was met with a really good looking guy. I screamed so loud that he fell off the bed in a frenzy. I looked under the covers and saw myself in an oversized t-shirt.

"What happened last night" I thought to myself.
"Did I loose my virginity" I said wide-eyed.
"What the hell is your problem" the good looking guy said as he got up rubbing his head which I think he might have hurt when he fell.
"What's with you and shouting"
Wait who said that,was it the handsome god here. The voice was so deep that I felt a chill run down my spine.
"You know you said that out loud right,but still,it's good to know you think of me that way". The guy cheekily retorted

Shoot, I can only imagine my face right now,it's probably as red as Clifford.
"Wait,how did I get here"
"What happened yesterday". I only remember bits of it. What really happened.....
" don't remember what happened?". He asked
.......... I only remember getting out of the club......then....."Oh shippity ship! Some people grabbed me,was I raped?....I hope they didn't rape me". I said pacing. I was starting to get a panic attack,I stopped pacing and tried the breathing exercise my mum taught me,"It's not working!!". I felt hands on me and flinched.
"'s me,you're okay,nothings gonna happen, I'm right here,just breathe.... I don't know the guy but his words,scent and presence had a comforting effect on me

I open my eyes and realised he was hugging me. My head was  on his chest with his left arm around my head and his right hand rubbing my back. No one has ever been able to calm me down this fast when I have a panic attack. Wow he has defined muscles.
"Well thanks". He replied
I pulled away from him and facepalmed."I really need to stop thinking out loud"
"Then I think now would be the best time to start". He said. Cue the blush.
"Wow Avery,way to go with the first impression". I sighed
"I think you did great" . He chuckled

"But on a more serious note,who are you,how did I get here,and.....h-how......did I .....get into this shirt?"

"I'm so sorry"..."let me properly introduce myself,I am Carson, Ben Carson and about how you got here,I ....."

"Honey, I'm hooome!"a booming voice sounded throughout the what I assume was an apartment. And that sounds like a guy,...... Is Carson the hot Greek god gay?

"NO! He exclaimed,"don't say or think that"
"Babe, where are you?"

"Up here you dimwit, and stop calling me pet names it's weird"

Just then a hot guy,but not as hot as Carson barged into the room with a cheesy grin on his face which dropped the second he locked eyes with me. He dramatically looked from me to Carson and instantly burst into tears, he's a good actor he almost got me to believe he was actually crying.
He run to Carson and started hitting on his chest saying "Baby,how could you do this to me,I thought you loved me. How could you cheat on me with a pretty girl like her"

Carson just smacked his head then he started laughing. He walked to me still rubbing his head and hugged me the kind you describe as a bear hug and said he was happy to finally meet me in person.
"Well .......this is awkward" I murmured
A loud growl resonated from behind him and he detached himself from me so fast that I thought I imagined him hugging me. He put his hand up in surrender to Carson.

Did that just come from Carson?. "Whoa man, hold your penguins,I just got a bit carried away,no need to go all papa bear and Dracula on me" the other guy said to Carson, who had a beyond pissed look on his face. The weird guy waved his hands dismissively, he face me and said. "Where are my manners señorita,my name is Hernandez Quarturio, Carson's husband" wait Carson is married such a bummer he's hot. I was pulled out of my dirty thoughts by a loud smack and an ear-splitting shriek which made me cringe." Ouchie muffin, Why'd you hit me" Hernandez whined. Why did Carson hit his husband.

"Get out of my house"Carson commanded. "Sweet cheeks,for your information and to refresh your retarded memory,this place is ours and it's an apartment dumbo!". Wow sassy Hernandez I like him. "You're the last person in the entire universe to call me dumb" Carson snapped. "I didn't call you dumb,just said you were a dumbo" Hernandez replied.
Even though their bickering is fun and all I need them to stop cause I need some answers. "STOP!!"
They both froze and looked at me with innocent face's, Hernandez's like one of a wounded kitten. "Will someone tell me what's going on and who exactly in the name of Oreos and apple juice are you two".

"Avery, please calm down, I'll explain." Carson pleaded. "How do you know my name" I asked. "Well...... you've mentioned your name several times whilst thinking out loud"
"I swear,we don't mean any harm. What happened was that, I was going for my usual evening walks and I found you lying unconscious in an alleyway,I couldn't just let you lay completely exposed to all the earthly dangers so I decided to bring you here with me. About your clothes,they looked pretty uncomfortable and reeked of alcohol so I took them off and I can swear to the moo- I mean God that my eyes were shut the entire time, I put you in one of my shirts and got your dress cleaned. Thats all that happened.

For some reason I felt that he wasn't exactly telling me everything but I couldn't exactly remember anything either and the pounding in my head was not really helping. I just stood there letting the information sink in whilst Hernandez and Carson looked at me expectantly. Finally I said,"what if I was a spy,a clown,a criminal or better yet at a suicide bomber, then......?". "That would have been so lit" Hernandez replied excitedly and Carson facepalmed. "I'll get you something for your headache" Carson told me,gave Hernandez a warning glare and left. At that exact second he came back to push Hernandez out which he was very much displeased about and said he'd be right back, walked out and shut the door behind him. I sat back on the bed with my head buried in my hands and wondered,"what exactly is my life"

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