He shook his head and took something out of his pocket.

"Come eat lunch with us."

"Listen, your mom doesn't like me so I don't think she would feel comfortable if I was there," I stated hesitantly.

"It's fine. I don't care about her," he said nonchalantly. "I want you there."

He then took my hand and placed a small box on my palm.

"What's this?" I asked, intensely wondering why he was suddenly giving me this.

He placed his hands in his trouser pockets and shrugged his shoulders. "Graduation present."

Upon realizing, I immediately shook my head and tried to give the box back to him. "It's okay. You don't need to give me anything."

He took the box from my hands and then opened it to show me a diamond ring placed inside.

My eyes widened as he took my left hand and slid the ring onto my ring finger.

I tried to pull my hand back but he adamantly wouldn't let go.

"Just wear it. We're engaged so if we turn up to the party without rings, people would be suspicious."


So the ring was just for show.

He didn't genuinely give me a present.

I gazed at the ring and fought the urge to roll my eyes.

I gave him a tight lipped smile and thanked him.

"JARED! JULIA!" Jaxon shouted from the hallway as he ran toward us.

Jared grabbed my hand and held me close to him as the boys and his family walked towards us.

Jaxon ran up to us and gave us each a tight hug. Will and Asher smiled and verbally congratulated us.

"Yooo, the party tonight is going to be great!" Jaxon exclaimed.

I chuckled while Asher rolled his eyes at his friend.

Then the boys all left toward another direction as Jareds mother, Amelia, came up to speak with us.

"Congratulations Jared. I'm proud of you," she exclaimed formally.

She tried to lean in for a hug but Jared backed away.

Amelia seemed hurt by his rude gesture but said nothing.

She then turned towards me and gave a forced tight lipped smile.

"Julia, congrats. I hope you understand what you're getting yourself into. I thought you would make the right decision but it seems you're even more selfish than I thought."

I frowned but before I could answer, Jared intervened and held me close to him.

"She's going to be part of our family soon. Don't talk to her like that again."

This is awkward.

Amelia shook her head and sighed.

"I won't be going to lunch or the party tonight. I'll see myself out," she stated, throwing me a dirty look and then leaving.

Jared let me go and took a seat by the bench.

He took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Don't worry about her. Once we're married, I'll promise to keep you away from her."

He closed his eyes as he smoked.

I awkwardly stood there and stared at my shoes.

I just want to go home.

I'm tired of getting in these awkward situations.

"Well, well, if it isn't the power couple!" someone said from a distance.

Both Jared and I glanced up to see Harry Cunning walking towards us in a black suit, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Jared immediately threw his cigarette on the floor and stood up to stand by me.

"What brings you here?" Jared questioned as he put his arms around me.

Harry noticed the gesture but chose to ignore it as he handed me the flowers in his hand.

"For you," he said with a smirk.

As I was about to take the flowers, Jared took them and threw them on the floor.

"She doesn't need your flowers," he angrily spat. "What are you doing here Harry?"

"Always so rude Jared. You haven't changed," Harry said with a hint of annoyance. "I'm just here to congratulate my cousin and his fiancé. What wrong with that?"

"Don't come when you aren't invited."

Harry didn't say anything as he simply ignored Jared and smiled at me.

"Julia! Nice to see you again."

"Hey Harry," I awkwardly said. Jared's grip on my arm was tight and I could tell he was annoyed at Harry's presence.

"Jared?" a female voice from behind us asked.

We all turned around to see this beautiful girl with long hair standing behind us.

I've never seen her before. Who was she?

As Jared realized who it was, I felt him stiffen.

He suddenly loosened his grip on me and ran a hand through his hair.

"Blair! What are you doing here? Long time no see!" Harry exclaimed, walking up to her with a smile.

The girl named Blair smiled back and shook his hand.

"Harry, it's been a while. It's nice to see you. I'm surprised you're here," she calmly stated.

"I was just here to support my baby cousin you know."

Blair smiled and then looked at me.

She raised her brow and walked up to me.

"Hi, I'm Blair Anniston. You are?"

Just as I was about to introduce myself, Jared took my hand and led me away from them.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as his grip on my hand tightened.

"I don't want to see either of those two right now," he stated as we exited the building and walked towards the parking lot.

"Why? Who is Blair? Do you know her?"

He didn't answer my question and kept walking towards his car.

"Who is she?" I asked again.

He opened the door to his car and faced me with a blank look.

"I guess you could call her an old fling. She was obsessed with me and wouldn't leave me alone till I left Cambridge. I don't know what she's doing here."

Old fling?

Obsessed with him?

He was with someone before he came here?

What else is he hiding?

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