However, if they hadn't, it was vital that they didn't blow it. This was their first, and possibly only, chance at communication to recover the survivors.

"Counsellor, as this is a society dominated by women, would you like to make the initial contact?" Picard suggested.

"Of course, Sir," Deanna agreed.

"Hailing frequencies open, Counsellor," Tasha informed her.

Deanna sat up and cleared her throat.

"This is Counsellor Deanna Troi from the USS Enterprise," Deanna said as she introduced herself.

"I am Beata, the Elected One," a voice responded. "How may we assist you."

So far, so good. Tasha thought.

"The Federation has neglected to visit your planet for far too long. With your permission, we would like to correct that oversight," Deanna said.

It was a gamble.

But Deanna was sensing that this Beata was very hesitant of their presence. Furthermore, Beata took great pride in being in power. Deanna was hoping that if she capitulated that it would set Beata at ease.

"A diplomatic courtesy call is neither expected nor required," Beata replied curtly.

From across the Bridge, Data and Geordi exchanged a glance.

Deanna hadn't been expecting that reaction.

With no other choice, she decided it would be best to reveal the real motivation for their visit.

"We also come in search of possible survivors from one of our freighters," Deanna admitted.

There was a long pause.

"A brief visit will be tolerated," Beata replied.

"They've cut the transmission," Tasha advised as she noticed that Angel One had terminated the communication channel.

"Ever feel like you're not really wanted?" Geordi asked as he turned to Data.

Captain Picard looked over at Commander Riker.

It didn't need to be said aloud – everyone on the Bridge had gotten the message loud and clear.

Their reception was likely to be lukewarm at best.

Captain Picard stood up and turned to the back of the Bridge.

"Lieutenant, I'd like you to lead the away team," Captain Picard said to Tasha.

"Understood, sir," Tasha said.

She reached down and double checked her phaser charge.

"Counsellor, Mr Data, Number One. I want you down there as well," Picard ordered. "But given our chilly reception thus far, I'm putting Lieutenant Yar in charge of the away team. And I want Counsellor Troi and Lieutenant Yar to take the lead on any diplomatic negotiations."

"I think that's wise, sir," Riker concurred.


Inside the transporter room, the away team was waiting patiently for the Enterprise to reach optimal orbit to beam them down.

"And we think these survivors landed on this planet?" Miles asked.

During the wait, Data had filled him in on the details of their mission.

"It is the most likely outcome," Data replied.

"Could you imagine? Drifting for five months only to land on a planet where you aren't even allowed basic rights?" Miles asked in disbelief. "Bit of nasty shock I'd say."

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