The party

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I'm dressed, hair in loose waves, black smokey eyeliner and crimson red lipstick. If Kyle wants to ruin it that's his prerogative. I click the lid shut and put the tube into my purse for later just in case. It joins designer perfume, breath mints and some condoms, hastily bought last night from a gas station.
There's a beep outside so I click down the stairs and out the door. Kyles car is old, beat up and constantly in and out of Kennys garage getting fixed but it has a certain charm to it. Unlike Cartmans' BMW that his mom got him for his 18th. I have no idea how she managed to afford it. I'm not sure I want to know.

Kyle leans over and opens the car door for me, a cute habit he has. I slip into the passengers seat and turn to face him.
"Dude." He says, wide eyed. Then quickly regains composure "I mean- not dude. Um you look nice. Really nice."
"Only nice?" I tease, enjoying watching him squirming in his seat.
"You know what I mean, I didn't wanna sound lame."
He taps nervously on the steering wheel.
He is so damn cute. It might just be his lucky night.

We arrive at Heidis house and Kyle once again opens the car door for me. He knocks firmly at Heidis front door and Bebe answers, already looking slightly unsteady on her feet. I wonder if it's the drinks or the heels. The party seems to be in full swing already and I can hear chatter amongst the loud music. Kyle makes a beeline for Cartman, Jimmy and Butters who are laughing in the corner. I search for the birthday girl.
"Heidi, hey! I hope you've had the best day babe, you look amazing" I say as we kiss cheeks.
"It's going great thanks. You have to try these deep fried cauliflower bites, they're so good" so gushes.
"Oh that's okay, thanks. I got you a little something" I say, gesturing to the wrapped gift under my arm. Her hands are occupied with a glass of Prosecco and a Polaroid camera. "Just dump it down anywhere" she laughs. Someone else arrives to tell her happy birthday so I drift away to join the guys, putting the present down on a random table on the way. Kyle holds out a drink for me and I take it gratefully.
I look up at Cartman.
"How's mission get Heidi back going?" I enquire.
"I've gotta bide my time and wait til she's alone. Her stupid friends never liked me..."
"I wonder why" I hear Kyle utter under his breath.
"You could have made an e-eff-effort" Jimmy remarks, looking Cartman up and down. Jimmy himself is wearing a navy suit with a white t-shirt underneath to dress it down a bit. Kyles opted for a classic white collared shirt, black jeans and red converse. Cartman is in a polo shirt and khakis. "Hey, I have to wear a suit to work, I'm not wearing one to do fun shit too" he huffs.
"Oh she's totally single by the way, I forgot to tell you" I say reassuringly.
"Wouldn't have mattered anyway" he smirks.
I have no idea how he ended up with her in the first place, she's incredibly out of his league. Confidence will get you everywhere I guess.

There's a game of spin the bottle being played in the garden. Red has landed on Stan and takes this in her stride fully.
"Um, guys it's meant to be a kiss not a full on tongue fest" huffs Nichole, possibly a bit jealous of the show unfolding in front of her.
"I have to use the bathroom" Kyle mumbles, heading off.

I go back inside and see a girl I don't know sat on Jimmy's lap on the sofa, playing with his hair and laughing at his corny jokes. Damn, boys got game. I'm impressed. I look over at Butters who has 4 girls surrounding him all cooing and aww-ing. I'm equally as shocked until I realise he's showing them all photos of his hamsters on his phone. At least he's not dancing yet...

Kyle comes back down the stairs, grabbing 2 drinks on his way over to me.
"You're drinking?" I ask, confused.
"Yeah, fuck it. Kenny and Tweek were in the bathroom doing coke and I need this evening to be bearable so a few beers won't hurt."
"Okay" I say, slightly unsure. I put it down to Dutch courage for later. My lipstick would look great on his white collar...
"Coke? Jesus. Maybe I should let Heidi know. Does Craig know?" I ponder, realising what he's just said.
"I'll call him" nods Kyle

I walk into the kitchen where Bebe is sat on the counter mixing up a new bowl of punch.
"Hey Bebe have you seen Heidi?"
"I think she went upstairs with Eric" she says vaguely.
I completely forgot that I hadn't seen Cartman in a while. Smooth bastard.
"Oh. Did you know Tweek brought coke?" I ask tentatively, half expecting her to freak out.
"Yeah, Heidi asked him to" she says casually.
I'm taken aback and can't think of anything to say. She doesn't seem to notice my reaction.
"Why are the hot ones always gay?" she asks, sighing dreamily and hopping down from the counter.
"Right. I'll leave you to it then" I say, backing away.
I can see Kyle frowning at his phone across the room. He looks up and I pull a face at him which makes him smile. The music is loud so I stand close to him. "Just going to the bathroom" I say into his ear, close enough he can feel my breath.

(((Authors note: the vibe for this half of the chapter is this song )))

I pick my way through the crowd and head up the stairs. I can hear moaning coming from the bedroom down the hall. I laugh to myself. Everyone deserves someone special, even Cartman. I use the bathroom but as I'm leaving hear the bedroom door unlocking. I step out into the hall, deciding it'll be funny to watch the embarrassed look on Cartmans face. Then out slinks Kenny and I realise it wasn't Cartman in there at all. He whispers something to someone in the room and a girl giggles in response.
"I'll come down in a bit so it isn't suspicious" she says faintly through the wall. I slip back into the bathroom, unseen. I lean back against the wall, a sad knot in my stomach. That's what I get for lurking I guess. It's no secret Kenny is a ladies man and a player. So why does seeing it with my own two eyes suck so much?

I walk over to the mirror, reapply my lipstick and spritz some perfume, fingers grazing over the condoms. Pull yourself together girl, tonight is meant to be special. I hear the lock again and once again step into the hall ready to sneak a glance at whoever it is. Who I'll be comparing myself and feeling inferior to for the next week during lit class.
It's Shelly Marsh, Stans older sister.

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