Interestingly enough, Haruki never showed any signs of having it. Perhaps, she didn't inherit her father's kekkei genkai after all?

It would make her the only child out of the five that never obtained any sort of Dojutsu. It was an unexpected circumstance as the daughter of a full blooded Uchiha and partially Oshiro mother, though, it wasn't impossible.

"She might not have it at all. You already know not all Uchiha get the sharingan." He stated, earning a nod from his son.

"Right, isn't it supposed to be rare? Runa's the first girl to ever have it" Katsuro commented offhandedly, a small shrug to his shoulders.

"She was also the first girl to be born into the main branch of the uchiha clan at all. and yes, the sharingan is definitely rare"

"Damn, so Haruki's gonna be the only one without it huh? Besides Daisuke, but he already has the rinnegan so he wouldn't need it" he snorts, remembering just how destructive his youngest siblings eye power truly was.

"She'll live, she has two kekkei genkai that none of you inherited" Sasuke murmured, a smirk threatening to tug at his lips at the sight of Katsuro's offended face.

"Hey! I also have a kekkei genkai none of those twerps have! Not even Haruki" Katsuro readily defended himself, his veins burning hot at the reminder that he had missed out on two impressive kekkei genkai styles that his puny little sister lucked out on.

"Maybe you should work on it a bit more, you've been slacking-"

"He is doing no such thing! What he needs is sleep and warm food!" Haru interrupted from the top of the staircase, having heard the last bit of conversation with a glare on her face directed as Sasuke.

Katsuro smiled at the sight of his rescuer, sending Sasuke a sly look that just screamed 'you lost!'

Sasuke raised a brow as she came down the stairs and pressed a kiss to Katsuro's temple, then urging him to go take a shower and get to bed. Katsuro complied, not before sending Sasuke one last look of victory, before heading upstairs himself.

Haru sighed, turning to Sasuke with a small frown.

"Haruki wanted to be alone for a bit, I made her promise to call out to us if anything before I left"

He nodded, mulling over her worlds. If Haruki wanted space then that's what he'd give her. Sasuke knew better than any one else what it's like to want to be alone after moments like that. He knew just how important it was.

So, the only words he could utter in response were "She'll be okay, she's our daughter. She'll always have us even if she wants to be alone. She knows we'll be there waiting when she wants company again."

That scenario was all just a few days ago, and now Sasuke was stuck reminiscing as he walked through the streets of Konoha by his wife's side.

How Haru managed to convince him to go on a date instead of letting him barge into Naruto's office and demand that the blonde tame his son?- he had no clue.

But here he was now, hand in hand with the love of his life.

At least some happiness could form even throughout such stress.

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