As I lied there on my bed, dreaming a dreamless nightmare... I didn't know that my phone (which was put on silent) was vibrating furiously from multiple incoming calls from, Dean. And with each missed call- there was a voicemail.

I woke up nearly three hours later which amazed me. I reached over to check my phone and read that I had 23 missed calls and 23 voicemails from, Dean. And I listened to every single one of them.

"Hey, Ay... it's me. You probably don't want to speak to me right now because of what happened and because of what I said today but I don't regret a single word. I know you've never seen me as more than a friend and I was okay with that only until today." He pauses for a second as if contemplating whether he should tell me the next sentence or not. "Well, there was a reason I confessed to you today of all days. Please pick up the phone, Ay."

I exhaled in exhaustion and played the next.

"Ayla, I'm not quite sure if you're either ignoring me or if you're fast asleep. And I really am hoping it's the latter. Please call me once you get this." His British voice sounded rushed and panicked now.

"If you really are ignoring me; just know that I'm still not apologising for confessing. But that aside... I really wanna talk to you right now because I'm running out of time."

The next voicemail sounded like he was carrying something heavy. "Pick up, Ay. Please pick up."

"Hellooo? Ayla- it's Dean. Have you forgotten about me already?"

"I'm not going to stop calling until you pick up."

"Ayla- please. I can't come to your house because I really am running out of time. I don't care if you still see me as a friend, okay? Just... answer your phone, love."

By the time I reached the 23rd voicemail... I was in tears because of what he said.

"I guess it's too late now." I can hear the sound of a busy crowd and trolley wheels rolling along a cemented floor in the background of this voicemail. "The reason I decided to confess today is because I'm going back to London today. And- I'm not coming back. I won't tell you that I'm perfectly fine because I'm not gonna lie... my heart is truly broken; but it was broken by the right girl and I'll try to move on, so don't worry too much. In a few weeks; you'll be Ayla Taylors again and I wish you all the best. I suggest you give that Andrew guy a chance too. He seems to care a lot about you but believe me or not... Ryler cares about you even more. He's been sleeping around and treating you and everybody like trash because he was not only rebelling against the marriage but also because he was heartbroken. I know small reasons like that are still unforgivable but he can't help it because he's a human being with issues, very much like yourself. Its just that, you have more control over your emotions than he does. So, do me a favour and help that tosser get back on his feet. Because I think you're the only one who can change him."

You can hear a voice over the speakers in the background saying that the flight to London was departing. "That's my cue... I hope to see you on good terms in the near-future. I'll always be here for you no matter what. Therefore... please do find a way to contact me if you're in trouble and need a shoulder to lean on. Oh and by the way... I forgot to tell you..."

He pauses for a moment and I could imagine him gathering his things to line up for the flight.

"I've never ever been interested in even the mere thought of dating older women."

Then that was it.


• Present

Instead of saying anything; Frida hugged me and mumbled reassuring words to me while I stared blankly at the ocean. The sun was rising now and it didn't feel like another day was starting. It felt like the day was really coming to an end.

Two weeks have surprisingly gone by.

Hayden stopped talking to me. Andrew still talks to me like we normally do but not as much anymore since the photoshoot is over. Dean hasn't contacted me since his flight departed and Ryler hasn't spoken to me since that day.

Speaking of Ryler; he's done absolutely nothing to me during these past two weeks. No petty fights, no pranks, no girls and no insults. Even when I make him breakfast on the days it's my turn to cook... he leaves before I could serve it to him.

He looked like he'd lost something important to him and I couldn't help but think of, Dean.

Maybe Ryler didn't get to say goodbye either? Or maybe he was the one that dropped Dean off to the airport and now he misses Dean?

Ryler's been so quiet and anti-social that he even stopped appearing on the talk show and started ignoring the media completely. Even though there were fake rumours about him going silent because he just got out of rehab or because he's secretly gay went viral... he didn't care or give a rat's ass about it.

So imagine the internal shock I had when I got a call from him.

I stared at the screen for a moment longer after pulling back from the hug. I stared at it with a blank expression before sliding the answer button without saying a word.

I kept silent rather than greeting him while Frida watched intently.

"Ayla- sweetheart? I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now-" He laughs and hiccups. "But like... I kind of really need your help right now."

I glare at nothing in particular as I contemplate whether or not he was worth helping.

It was obvious that he was intoxicated.

"Ay- I think I'm gonna faint. There's blood gushing out of my forehead and I don't know why." He slurs and hiccups again which raises a slight panic in me but I pause before asking in a deadpanned tone...

"Where are you?"


Another short update🔥

Comment some feedback and some thoughts! Leave a vote too please🙏🏼✨ I'm trying hard to update as much as I can so bare with me😇

Despite it being short... this chapter took me quite some time to write because Ryler calling Ayla was a last five-second decision😂😂😂 buh- #staytuned


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