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Paxton wanted to go home. He had it all planned out. He was gonna ask Carly to get some ice cream after school, have Trent and Marcus put a bunch of hearts on her car that spelt out winter dance when he drove her back and ask her as his date but of course he had the worst timing ever.

There was a reason why he didn't fully trust EJ because he did shit like this. He knew the boy still liked Carly but yet had the audacity to ask her to the Winter Dance. But to be fair he did say to both her and him that he wasn't planning on going and they should still go without him, but that didn't mean he should have asked her to be his date.

That's bro code.

"Bro that sucks." Trent said.

"Not now Trent."

"Poor Pax couldn't ask out his girl to the dance." Marcus joked.

"Shut up." Paxton said, feed up with his friends. He was already feeling shitty enough he didn't need to hear this right now.

He walked away towards his car not wanting to be around anyone right now. It was never a good time for those two. 

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