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"I can't believe I got a C on my Spanish test." Eddie complained as the three of them were eating lunch outside at one of the tables.

EJ and his 2 girlfriends (Bryce and Caeleb) were away for a water polo match in Las Vegas.

On the night of the 24 hour relay, Carly was afraid EJ would be somewhat upset that Paxton was hanging around with everyone, but surprisingly, nothing happened. No arguments happened. No one came out with a black eye. The girl hasn't talked to the boy ever since though which bothered her but to be fair he's been busy with waterpolo and baseball.

"I told you to switch out of Senor De Leon when you could. His tests are nothing like what he teaches you." Lily explained to her boyfriend.

Eddie shrugged. "Lazy."

The trio were interrupted by a familiar couple of sophomores.

"Eddie Tan." Devi said to the boy.

"Yeah?" The boy was confused.

"We heard you told Jonah about the rumor about Aneesa."

"What rumor?"

"The one where she's..." Fabiola started saying, hoping the boy caught on so she wouldn't have to finish the sentence.

"Oh that rumor." Eddie nodded. "Heard it from the Drewzanna couple. Told me when I was getting a hotdog. Which was very disturbing considering since they were making out blocking everything but you know..."

"So you didn't start the rumor?" Eleanor asked the boy.

"Nah. One it's not any of my business, two I have a girlfriend and a cousin who would kill me if I said such thing about women and three, who's Aneesa?"

"Oh no we hit a deadend." Devi chuckled. 

Carly chuckled at her cousin. "Are you guys trying to find who started the rumor or something?"

"Yup." Fabiola said. "It's kinda fun actually."

"Well if we hear anything else we'll let you know."

"Thanks Carls. See you all later." With that the three of them left.

"Anyone notice how quiet and panicy Devi was when Eddie told them where he heard it from?" Lily asked the two.

"Nah." Eddie shrugged. 

"Devi wouldn't do that to her friend." Carly said. "But then again that girl is a bit crazy so..."

"Hm." Lily said, not convinced at all because she felt like Devi had something to do with it. 

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