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"What's got you so mad?" Carly asked the boy as he aggressively threw some papers on the table.

 "I failed my bio test." Paxton said as Lily laughed. "What? That's funny to you?"

"Very much so. I love seeing you suffer." Lily told the boy.

Paxton rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"What happened to all the studying I helped you with?" Carly asked the boy.

Paxton shrugged. "Left when I saw the test."

"What the hell."

"Whatever. Devi was supposed to help me study more, but she was too busy spreading the rumor about Neesa."

Carly's eyes widened. "What? I thought it was Sheri and Zoe."

"You didn't hear?" Carly shook her head so Paxton continued. "Long story short she blamed it on Sheri and Zoe to cover her own ass and then they found out it was Devi and now she's suspended."

"Damn." Eddie said. "Didn't realize Devi was that crazy."

"Didn't I call it? I called it you guys. And you thought I was crazy." Lily said.

Carly pulled out her phone and texted Aneesa.

(Text message between Carly and Aneesa. C is Carly, A is Aneesa) 

C: "Heard what happened. At least we can both agree that Devi really lives up to her Crazy Devi name."

A text immediately appeared by Aneesa.

Aneesa laughed at "Heard what happened. At least we can both agree that Devi really lives up to her Crazy Devi name."

A: "Yeah. whatever I'm over it. She had the audacity to ask me to talk to the principal just cause she got suspended and Princeton wouldn't like that. BLAH BLAH BLAH."

C: "Damn. What a selfish bitch. She just keeps ruining people's lives."

A: "I heard what she did with you and Paxton."

C: "Yeah..."

A: "Can't believe she has no remorse about any of it."

C: "I mean she did apologize for it but I think her ego is getting in the way because I think she still likes Paxton."

A: "Is it too late now to say sorry."

C: Cause I'm missing more than just of your body. Oooh."

A: "Love Justin Bieber. Hey gotta go, my mom's giving me the weird eye because I'm smiling too much."

C: "I'm making you smile?"

A: "Bye Carl."

C: "See yeah Neesa." 

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