
"Was wondering when you were going to show up" I said and the lights came on.

She was my mate but I died so, that stopped that. Now, I am free.

"You came to fuck? Do some coke?" I asked.

"You have not changed?" She asked.

"I did, I am a Demon now" I smiled. "You're still beautiful."

"Is there a reason as to why you didn't contact me when you woke? Or how did you even wake?"

"When I died, our bond was severed, you know this we are no longer mates. I don't have to contact you Amaia."

"Out of respect, Ny" she said.

"Out of respect?" I stood up.

"Yes, I was your mate for a century Nyah, I cared..."

"You cared? Because if you cared, you wouldn't have moved on right? You have an pack of your owns, your now mate is the Alpha? Right? You have four kids? And a pet turtle, who has those fucking things as a pet?"

"So, out of respect, I did look for you. You moved on, so have I" I lied.

"You were gone for two centuries, what was..."

"Someone is coming up to my door" I smiled walking out of the livingroom.

I opened the door before Sugar could knock. I can smell her scent for miles, makes me want to go crazy, for whatever reason.

"You brought me flowers?" I laughed.

"I like flowers" she smiled. "I thought it would be nice, if I was taking you to dinner" she said, her hair was purple so, I take it she is happy.

"That is sweet of you, but I personally don't like flowers. You could have brought me come coke, and some food" I said.

"Oh, I love coke, it has the best sugar but it gets me too hyper" she laughed.

For someone who literally eats only sugar, a drink makes her hyper?

"She is not talking about a drink, you fairy" Amaia said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company. I will..I will come back" she stepped backwards as her hair turned green.

"Or just don't fucking come back? Why the fuck are you with this fairy? This unusual small ass fairy?" Amaia said, then Sugar hair started to turn white.

She was scared.

I use to love Amaia being all crazy, but she isn't mine anymore. So, now she is pissing me off.

"Amaia back off" I said.

"No, this little thing should go, and never fucking come back" Amaia howled at her, jumping towards her.

"Ahh" Sugar dropped the flowers, and dropped to the ground covering herself, shaking and all.

I vastly moved in front of Amaia, I let out a howled that pierced her ears and she covered them dropping to the ground.

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