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Two days later.

"Kianna girl you're doing way too much

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"Kianna girl you're doing way too much." India laughed, braiding her hair.

"I don't wanna go with mommy." She frowned.

"You gotta go to school Booty. You can spend next weekend with me again." India told her, adding beads to her hair.

"Ughhhh." Kianna dramatically groaned, making her laugh.

"Don't take this bonnet off til in the morning so you don't mess your hair up okay?" India put the bonnet that matched the one she was wearing on Kianna's hair.

"Okay Auntie. Thank you." Kianna mumbled, and India smiled.

She grabbed her phone, putting the two of them in the camera. India took a boomerang, smiling as Kianna kissed her cheek.

"Ouuuu we look the fuck good." Kianna said, and India gasped.

"Girl I will beat your bad ass, I told you no cussing." India thumped her head, making her laugh.

"My Tete Jayda said I can say that." Kianna shrugged.

"Well you ain't with Tete Jayda. Bad ass." India laughed, walking with her to the door, hearing a knock.

"Call me if anything happens okay? If mommy make you mad, or if Talon comes back, call me." India squatted to be at her level, kissing her nose.

"I love you Nuni." Kianna hugged around her neck.

"I love you so much booty. Have a good week okay? I'll get you next weekend." India told her, and she nodded, and India opened the door, revealing Kayla.

"Hey Nuni. Thank you for keeping her." Kayla smiled, and India nodded.

The two of them rekindled a few days after their fight. That was usually how it worked with Kayla. She always made sure to be in India's good graces, because Scarr would stop giving her money if she wasn't.

India took more care of Kianna then Kayla did, she was always too busy at a party. But Kayla genuinely did appreciate everything India did for her and Kianna.

"You know you can bring her anytime girl. I did her hair too, all you have to do in the morning is take the bonnet off." India told her, and she nodded.

"Say bye to Tete baby." Kayla picked Kianna up.

"Bye Nuni. Love you!" Kianna waved.

"I love youuuuu." India blew her a bunch of kisses, making her laugh.

India waited until they pulled off to shut the door.

She grabbed her phone, sitting on her bed and posting the boomerang took.



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