Chapter 14

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You woke up later to find yourself lying on a small twin sized bed. Looking at your surroundings, it was mostly white and a locked sliding glass door in front of you. "Am I in prison?" You thought. From there, you slowly slid out of bed and  wondered what this was all for until you heard a knock on the glass. "Well, well, well! Miss flesh and bones is finally awake!" You jumped before turning around to notice a threatening looking robot outside your glass door. 

You almost screamed. "Who are you?" You asked feeling terrified. "Why I'm Drillzer, the runner of Robot City! At least I will be as soon as I finish off the blue puff ball and Mr. Bigweld. "

"You're.... You're the guy that my friends were talking about! What do you think you're doing to me??" 

"Oh that's not important yet sweetheart! Your check up is still in an hour." Drillzer said with a smirk. 

"What are you going to do with Rodney??? Don't you know we just got married last month?" 


Rodney's POV

Out in city and all over, Rodney and the others were out on the search for Drillzer and were now at Bigweld Industries talking with Mr. Bigweld on what to do.

But then Fender got a call from Piper on his cell phone talking about you running away. He ran straight to tell Rodney.

"Rodney! Rodney!" He panted as he got closer. "I just got a call! (Y/N) has escaped home and is on the break of danger!"

"What? I thought I told her to stay there!" Rodney retorted. "It's no use! She was too worried about you to stay!" Fender replied. 

Bigweld looked to see where Drillzer was located and his lab was not too far from Bigweld Industries. Fender made a dash to look and his plans were now to get you back to Rodney. He and the rusties knew all along on what Drillzer had been planning thanks to advertisements and mysterious discoveries. 

"Rodney and Wonderbot were on the rise and wanted to help."  The rest stayed to discuss future plans.


Drillzer's POV

Drillzer was now in his main lab talking to Ratchet who was now in prison over a video phone. "Well, I got the girl! So how do we get to the bones?" 

"That's what that coffin is for, isn't it?" Ratchet asked. 

"Oh yeah, right! With that, the girl will die in her sleep faster than ever and as soon its special power is able to dissolve her skin and flesh, I'll have her skeleton ready to be hung in my new History of Humans Museum!" 

Yep! Real bones from a real human are what Drillzer wanted!

"GWA HA HA! And I will soon bomb that blue boy just like you've always wanted and the whole city will be back the way we all wanted it to be."

"I love how you think, Carter! Nothing but scrap metal will be in the streets and upgrades will be back in business!" Ratchet replied. "By the way, you still got my mother's ashes?"

"Ahhh yes! She's been kept safe in my lab for me to look upon to remind me of what we are fighting for and what and you her wanted." Drillzer began to sound like he was about to cry. 

"But that will be over soon!" The two let out an evil laugh.

Rodney and Fender's POV

"Do you suppose, Drillzer has taken (Y/N)?" Rodney asked Fender while they were running to Drillzer's special lab. "I ..... I don't know buddy, but that's why we are out here." 

As soon as they got there, Rodney wondered how they would sneak past the guards. Fender decided to distract them. Rodney ran straight in to find you. 

But the guards were starting to chase Fender and ran into a door being able to lock the guards out. He was suddenly lost and didn't know where Rodney and his little invention went. "Hello? Rodney? Where are you? I'm sorry I did not catch up. If I can just find you we'll keep on the search we promised. Rodney? Hello?" He continued to call as he went through a room of prison domes. That was until he stopped and heard a familiar female voice.

Your POV

You sat in the corner of the wall worried about what was going to happen. But you unexpectedly heard a familiar voice calling for Rodney. "Fender is that you?" 

"(Y/N)!! Where are you?" He jumped not knowing where to look. "I'm in this dome!" You called. Fender finally saw you in the dome. "Ohh! Sunshine, why did you run away? I got a call from my sister and Rodney has been ever so worried!" 

"I couldn't take it anymore. Please get me out! What does Drillzer want from me anyway?"

Fender felt prepared to tell what he was up to until footsteps were heard. "Uh oh! He's coming!" Fender ran to hide before he could find a way to get you out. 

 Drillzer came back. "Oh, miss flesh and bones, it's time for a check up!" He unlocked the door and you stepped out. "Ahh, so if it isn't a real human." Drillzer wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he dragged you into the room making you disgusted. 

Fender watched wondering what to do.

He took you into an unfamiliar room that looking like a metal science lab. 

Drillzer opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle. "What's that?" You asked. "It's aromatherapy! I hear you love spa days!" He replied. "Go on and take a shot." He said. You took the bottle and felt not so sure about it. Then you looked to see a wheeled coffin with a glass dome lid wondering what that was there for cause Drillzer was just getting it prepared. 

Just as you were about to take a sniff, there was a barge at the door. 

"(Y/N)!! Don't do it!" You jumped just before dropping the bottle causing it to break. You saw Rodney had barged in and didn't know why he told you not to sniff the aromatherapy. 

"Copperbottom! Get lost this instant!" Drillzer demanded as soon as he saw. "(Y/N), let's go!" Rodney grabbed your hand and you, him and Fender made a run for it. 

"Guards! Get them!" He yelled with demand. You all continued to run but the guards were catching up. Just then, one of them tried to grab Fender by the leg. Luckily Wonderbot got him free by biting the guard. 

You continued to run until you lost those guards and made it back to Bigweld Industries. 

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