Chapter Two - Figure

Start from the beginning

Lilac secretly did her research throughout the years of how Asto had died. She needed to know. Something wasn't right. It was as if things needed to be opened before her eyes.

She never cried over his death nor was she happy instead she was blank and sad.

Its not her fault though. They trained her to become someone cold and doing so her emotions became blank. But she knew she felt some things. It was rare but still there.

At the age of 16, she only heard of rumours of his death which left her annoyed. But one thing intrigued her. A word.


She didn't know what that meant she searched the name up. Nothing. So she went through Mafia files on spear and she found a whole lot of things on it.

It could be a library, she thought.

But what intrigued her more was that it was a person.

A He..

He was known to be the world's best known and feared hitman. He made countless kills. His kills were always sharp and on point. Just like his name 'Spear'.

His first kill was at the age of 13. she laughed. As if. They're probably rumours.

She was fascinated as she saw many similar things to him. Just like her he was trained at a young age.

No one knew what he looked like as his identity wasn't shown but those who were targets of his they never made it out alive to tell of his existence. Some thought he was a made up person but as his killing went from 10's to 100's.

Fear was all they felt.

Even the sharpest of people were fooled by him. He was too good.

She didn't find anything but just a name and when he last was seen. 2013. Asto's Death.

A coincidence?

It was like he disappeared. Eight Years.

No one ever heard or saw him. Only rumours were left.

She knew it couldn't be a coincidence. But the fact a note was next to the date that was written 'Asto'. Someone else knew.

But who?

After that, 2 years later she found information on where he last was seen. Mexico.

She left the Mafia to Paul however she still supervised as she was still the Donna to the Portuguese Mafia. It was legally written. Her signatures were what helped their Mafia forward.

She left to Mexico, searching for him. Nothing.
But she never gave up.

Four years went by and still she found nothing.

But in those Four Years she needed something that would help her background. She needed to fit in with these people. She had to look less dominating and more like a naive lady.

So she abandoned her leather jackets and wore summer dresses. She changed herself but behind closed doors she was always that person she grew up to be. It helped as the weather in Mexico was always warm.

She built her self a small cafe where business was always booming.


It was only a cover.

She was still searching.

October 13th, 2021
Present Day

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