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01|Chains of Fear.


Deep dark as a mystic secret,
pleasant as a spring, as cold as dead.... a typical midnight morning in December. A girl in her early twenties was jogging, her tied ponytail swaying to the tunes of cold breeze passes by, her face wanted to have a smile, while her lips are determined to let out,

"Break the fear, but never let fear breaks you,"

Her breathes became quick and sharp, a layer of sweat beads begins to form on her forehead. She was trying hard to maintain her balance. In all manner she is tired, but she is not ready to accept it. She continued to run, sprinting so fast that she could beat the wind. That used to be her pace, racing against wind used to calm her inner storm. She was one who never accepted defeat. For her, she was born to win.

After a long way in return, she rested her palms on the trembling knees. Scanning the locale found rows of wooden seats on both sides of the park, among which only a few had a roof above. she sat on one of those which had a cover above. Thirst for water was killing her, but she could not find a drop of water in her bottle. She is twitchy and irritated, but the fear in her isn't disappeared. Someone out of blue offered her water. She is unable to express either surprise or shock. She got lost in reasoning who it could be? Is anyone was stalking her on the way. Breaking her thoughts, he snapped his finger, which bought her to her senses.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or will have water?" he queried.

" huh," she hummed.

"Oh, madame! I didn't mix any toxins in water," he announced sensing her twitchy stares.

She just gave him a piercing glare.

He rolled his eyes in response.

"See!" She exclaimed in making sure of him.

"You are not even able to utter a word, and is showing do Kodi ka attitude," he Commented.

She was burning under rage but wasn't able to answer him back. She was exhausted to the core. He grabbed her bottle.

"Here you go, drink or die," he rides away filling her bottle with water.

She just stared at his retreating figure. After a long debate between her sense and soul, she grabbed the bottle and smelled it. Feeling nothing unusual she gulped a little. Then she leaned back resting her head on those wooden and let a deep sigh escapes from her. She let her left palm rest on her forehead reliving herself out of the turmoil.

She heard a whisper in the air. More to her shock the moon turned the leaves into a flaming patchwork of colours, scorching yellows, lava-reds and burnished browns. It added horribleness charm to the scene. The huffing wind rose to break the vault-still silence of the trees. A tinkling sound came to her ears as the first pearls of rain dropped onto the leaves. The sound was lilting and clear. Like a glassy clinking of cheers. A sheet of rain passed over, the drops weren't the soft, sodden, swollen drops of spring were heard; it was like ball-bearings were hitting the roof with force. An occasional ker-plunking sound caused by the rainwater gathered on the roof falling to the ground in a great swash of release.

Adding more to her woes the man came back running into her. He sat near her without giving any attention to her. She looked appalled at him. She was surprised to see someone breaking out from the rain. For her Rain was sacred, she believed rain to be a tragic protagonist of an unfulfilled love. If she wasn't tired then she might have let those silver nectars kiss her skin drenching herself in the rain.

"Are you a fitness enthusiast or an owl's child?" He put forward breaking the vault of silence between them.

She just gave her signature glare.

"Would you say something or not?" He rolled his eyes.

"My uncle is the District General of Police!" She exclaimed.

"So what?" He countered back. She was frowned hearing him. This man is impossible.

"DGP Kamble is my good friend, he didn't tell me about your return," he raised his eyebrow.

"I returned 2 days ago," she replied casually.

"So you know to answer back, right?" He said with a winning smirk.

She just rolled her eyes in response.

"You don't answer my first question," he forwarded again.

"Why you wanna know?" She countered back.

"I had never seen any other human being jogging at 3 am," he simply replied.

"So aren't you ?" She again retorted back.

"I was just to roam around Mumbai city," he responded.

"At 3 am!!" She exclaimed amusingly.

"If you can jog at 3 am why not me?" A smirk played on his lips.

"Well, jokes apart I was here for a task. I don't get time to explore Mumbai in daylight. So..... And now don't comprehend me to be any mob or terrorist," he warned her.

"So what was your task?" She inquired.

"It's confidential," he whispered.

"Now I am really getting a vibe of terrorist. Aren't you here to plant any explode?" She questioned skepticly.

"If I was then I wouldn't have stopped at you and had a banter with you. Seedha goli maar deti" he face palmed himself.

She let out a chuckle.

"So why you are here at this time?" He questioned again.

Her chuckle got disappeared in a nick of time. After a minute of pondering she opened her up.

"I just want to break those chains of my fears," she said in a feeble voice.

"What if you meet an accident or incident? Wait Do you jog at night regularly?" He inquired of curiousness.

She nodded in negative.

"This is my home and if fear could control me then I won't be here now," she replied clearly.

"I am impressed!!" He said out of blue.

"There is nothing to be impressed," she replied back with a slight smile.

"And now rain is no more, let's leave," she mumbled stretching her right hand outside the shed.

"Are you towards left?" he raise a question.

"No, towards right," she said jumping out of the wooden bench and inserting her hands inside the pockets of her hoodie.

"One more stuff to reveal, Mumbai's current DGP isn't any Kamble, it's Pisaldgor, " He chuckled at her.

She was hell embarrassed. But ignoring those thoughts she started to stroll towards right pathway . While he walked towards left. They both diverted their paths in different ways after having some momentum of period together which they enjoyed. They shared their identity of purpose, but forget to share the simplest yet vital thing of their life, their name.

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