"Oh my god, you guys are the Powerpuff girls?", yelled Scott, who looked very surprised.

"We're not the Powerpuff girls, Scott", sighed Wanda.

"Sis, you are a duck!", laughed Pietro as he rolled around in his seat, and Wanda playfully slapped his arm.

"Loki, you make very good squirrel", said Mobius, who chuckled while saying that.

"The three of you are the three fairy godmothers of Aurora", said Yelena who is wheezing and laughing loudly.

"Can we please go on to the next picture please?", asked TVA Loki, desperate to change the topic.

"Alright, here is another."

"LOL", said Peter, "The three of you dressed as the fairy godmothers lmao", who wheezed as he rolled around his seat, laughing hysterically

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"LOL", said Peter, "The three of you dressed as the fairy godmothers lmao", who wheezed as he rolled around his seat, laughing hysterically.

"Dr.Strange looked so done with the two of them that he facepalmed", laughed Shuri as she said that.

"Why are you wearing red Wanda?", asked TVA Loki.

"I wear red because I want to, and why are you wearing green?"

"I take a small offense on that, that is a very fine Asgardian leather."

"Anyway, why is Strange wearing yellow and blue?", asked Yelena.

Dr.Strange didn't even bother to answer Yelena, and just sighed and facepalmed.

"Uh, what are you doing?", asked Wanda to MJ, who is drawing.

"MJ draws people in her crisis book, that's what she does in detention at school", explained Peter.

"Hey Ruby, are you there?", asked Darcy.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can you send me those fanart about the Magic Trio? I want to print them out and stick it on the wall in my room and in the lab, oh and can you also send the incorrect quotes we reacted to just now?"

"Ok Darcy, I just sent them all to you through Gmail (Don't ask me why I know their Gmail thank you), you will receive it, I also sent all of these to the rest of the people here, they can get it as well."

"Thanks Ruby", said Peter as he scrolled though his phone, seeing the incorrect quotes and fanart.

"You're welcome Peter, and let's move on to the next one shall we?"

"Where did you get that?", asked Sam, who is very happy to have some kind of blackmail for Loki

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"Where did you get that?", asked Sam, who is very happy to have some kind of blackmail for Loki.

"I got that on Pininterest, just search for 'Marvel magic trio' and you will find it."

"The two of you look so cool", commented Carol, who is happy to see that women here now have a big place in society, when she came to Earth, it isn't like this.

"It is inspired by a comic, this is the fan art version of it, but sadly, I don't have the comic book version, so you will have to stick with this version for now."

"This is still cool", said Ned, who is fanboying again.

"Is there more of these?", asked Natasha.

"Of course."

"Wanda, why are you saying a bad language word to me and Dr

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"Wanda, why are you saying a bad language word to me and Dr.Strange?", asked Loki, who looked a bit offended.

"I didn't say it", said Wanda, "I am going to say it, doesn't mean I am saying it right now."

"Thanks for the grammar lesson Wanda, but we don't need one right now", said Tony, "I personally think that Loki and Dr.Strange are kids in that comic, and that Wanda is the adult trying to take care of the two of them. Just look at this. The three of you are fighting a something which I don't know but is dangerous and can eat you in a minute, but Loki and Strange over there are arguing, and I personally think that Wanda should have said that word."

"Alright, that's enough for today, you guys are going to react to a video next, now just take a break and eat these snacks!"
*cue snacks drop out of nowhere onto a table that appeared out of nowhere as well*



That brings another end to this poorly written chapter. I'm extremely sorry for such a short chapter, I seriously don't know what else to write about this! I hope all of you will like this, and as usual, comments and requests are open (as long as I know what your requests are and I have watched them), and stay healthy everyone!

A good day/night to you all.

Peace out!


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