I know you

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It's that dream again.

Adora stands in the middle of a field full of flowers, the sky is full of colors from the current sunset and a few white, slightly peach puffy clouds decorate it. The sun that is slowly sinking, shines warmly on her exposed skin. Her hair is open for some reason, she rarely has it open, she found it annoying how it got into her vision all the time, but was way too lazy to clip her bangs to the side to prevent that. But there was no hair in her face, when she raised her hand to feel her hair, she felt clips on the side holding it back, pearls or something seemed to decorate them. And why was she wearing a dress and no shoes?? It's weird. But it was a comfy dress, a belt with a cute bow was hugging her waist, the material felt smooth. It was a pretty blue which she was pretty sure matched her eyes. She could feel the grass under her bare feet. This dream felt real, too real, but it always did. It was always the same thing and yet she was surprised every time. Maybe it was because she immediately forgot the moment she left the bed, just blurry pictures lingering in her mind. Or maybe it was because there was always this other person a few feet away from her that had the same surprised expression that she did.

The unknown girl was wearing a dark tuxedo, a pretty hot one actually. She couldn't help but wonder if there was a formal event near, that would explain their clothing. But just like the other hundreds of times she wondered this, she would never get the answer. Blue and amber eyes widen at her, they seemed to glow even in the middle of day. The girl had freckles and her hair was short, but so fluffy. She had pretty piercings in her ear. Just like all the other times, this woman was mesmerizing.

But the moment they reached out, they both reached out, confused and ready to seek for answers, Adora is pulled out of her dream. Her body sits up immediately, her body sweating and apparentlg panting as she took in her room. Grey walls, dimmed lights, photos and sticky notes everywhere. Her desk as neat as it always was, and her blanket on the ground. She must have kicked it from the bed. Her mind raced, this time, it was different. They touched, their hands touched. And everything was way clearer than normal, she could see the sparkles in her eyes and noticed for the first time black painted nails. Only this time she also could make out the light make up on the tanned face, it was just a way too perfect eyeliner, that's it actually. Why was she always dreaming the same damn thing? At first, when it started she was 19, she thought it was funny, amusing even, that's also when she could remember it through out the day. But the older she got, the less she could remember when she woke and stood up, and the older she got, the more nerve wrecking this whole thing was. Because, guess what? Adora is 22 by now. Three years. Three damn years. What the hell is going on.

A tiny gremlin blurted into her room out of the sudden. "Adora!! What are you doing there, sitting on the bed like the devil haunted you!?? Do you want to come late to our friend's wedding!!!??" Oh right, the wedding. She noticed the worries furrow of the other's eyebrows, probably because of her own expression. Glimmer, the tiny gremlin, grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bed. But maybe she couldn't go- her mind couldn't rest, she was so stressed, why couldn't she just have dreams like a normal person, why, why, why, why, wh-

She lost her thoughts, what was she thinking about again? Bleh, it didn't matter. She had a wedding to get ready for!! Her muscles relaxed, and so did her face expression. "Alright, Glim. Let's get ready!" She said enthusiastically. Glimmer grinned brightly and dragged her to the bathroom.

Adora ignored the lingering feeling of forgetting something important.


The blonde had patiently sit down as Glimmer and Bow, ber other best friend, worked on her. Her eyes were currenly closed as Glimmer put powder in her face that she was sure was probably a ton.
"Did you know that Scorpia said we could finally meet her other best friend? Y'know, the one who always refused to meet us. She called her wildcat, what I sure hope is just a nickname. Entrapta is also her friend apparently. Not gonna lie, Scorpia sounded more nervous about the fact we could piss her off than the fact she was going to marry Perfuma."
The blonde snorted at that and finally opened her eyes now that she could. "All we know, Perfuma probably made calming exercises with her the last time they saw each other.", she spoke.
"Maybe, I wouldn't be surprised."

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