A few minutes later it was more than halfway out.
"Y/N keep going! You're almost there!" You sit up almost fully trying to bring more pressure into the pushing.
"Got it ryan?" Alba asks. Ryan nods his head about to pass out as well. Suddenly, you feel the pain and pressure go away making you give up laying down on Chris's lap. You started hearing some crying. Newborn crying. You knew it was your baby. You tiredly lift your head up opening your eyes when you see your baby girl laid down onto your chest crying. Everyone was in shock and smiling so hard clapping. You started sobbing in happiness and relief looking at Ryan was was tearing up wiping his tears. He finally looks at you in awe making you motion your hand for him to come closer to you. Everyone backed up still in surprise so Ryan could hug you in some sort of way.
"You did it babe." Ryan croaks before he immediately hugs you and then gives you a loving kiss on the lips.
"They're here!!" Adam calls out. You look up and see the paramedics.
"They're going to take good care of you and her okay?" Ryan asks sniffling with a big smile on his face. You nod shedding more tears looking at Alba.
"Thanks Alba." You say with puppy eyes.
"Hey, you needed help and I'm here. I'm so proud of you." She says walking to her boyfriend jack to hug him to the side to watch this scene. You get lifted up into a trolley and get taken away into an emergency truck. You were just with Ryan and a few doctors on the way to the hospital while everyone else was in the tour bus on the way with you guys. Besides the doctors asking you questions on the baby and your health you and Ryan were just looking at your girl in your arms in silence still crying softly at the sight.


"Adam!!" You scream at the top of your lungs. You hear a crash of pans and running stomps coming closer to you. He shows up already in panic and freaks out more when he sees water down your legs.
"Adam, my w-"
"Hey hey hey it's okay." He says petting you in comfort and wiping away the tears off your face.
"C'mon let's go." He says trying to help you up.

Minutes later the paramedics show up at your house in the bathtub. You're trying to calm down but you still couldn't stop crying in pain and fear.
"Y/N, you have to push now." The nurse interrupts. You look up at Adam and nods at you knowing that you could accomplish this. You nod at the nurse still weeping and gripping Adam's hand.
"I'll count you down. Ready?" You look at her and bite your lip giving her a signal that you were prepared.
"You can do it Y/N.. Push."

Minutes pass of pushing, crying, pain and screaming when you hear crying that is not yours. It was your newborn son that was finally free out in this world now. You wrap your arms quickly around him as soon as the nurse carefully places him on your chest. After crying your eyes out for a minute you look up at Adam and see him wiping his eyes with a tissue.
"My gosh. He's beautiful babe." He chuckles trying not to cry again.
"He really is." You sniffle. You and Adam share a kiss. You couldn't be happier then ever right now.


You were taking tiny tiny sips of water trying to calm yourself down. You were in the hospital for a day and you knew the baby was going to be on its way very soon today. You look at jack and he's on the phone with his dad Gary letting him know about the news. He already let his brothers and his friends about this and Gary was the last he was sharing the news to. Jack hangs up and walks up over to you. He was kind of panicking in a way but he still tried to contain himself.
"You doing alright babe?" He asks you holding your hand kneeling down to your height.
"I think so. Are you? You're sweating." You say almost laughing.
"No I'm just... I'm so excited and nervous that's all." He also was tearing up a little bit knowing this was his first child and yours as well.
"Are you ready Y/N?" The main doctor asks you putting on some new gloves. You nod as you feel hard pressure contacting your stomach and your lower region. Everyone gets in their places. The doctor was in the middle of your legs delivering the baby and the nurses and jack were around the top half of you for support.
"Push now." You push down with all your might hoping to not break off jacks hand that you've been squeezing.

Minutes pass and you felt like giving up. You look over at him and you knew that he knew that you felt to not keep going because on how hard and tiring it was.
"Honey, it'll be over soon. It'll be worth every push please keep going for me. You got this." He then kisses your cheek after and that peck felt like it gave you a magic rush of energy to keep pushing. You nod almost about to cry then looking down at the doctor.
"Ready and push." Surprisingly without no surprise you push one more time for a few seconds and heard crying. You open your eyes and see the doctor holding your newborn child. You throw one of your hands up to your mouth and look at it in awe feeling tears build up in your eyes.
"Oh my god." You cry softly. The doctor places your child on your chest and is about to cut off the umbilical cord.
"Holy shit." You hear Jack say above you. You look up at him and see his back facing you a few feet away making you confused for a second until he turned around. He couldn't believe his eyes. His very shaky hands were held up to his temples and his cheeks were covered in a sheet of his own tears. You felt like you weren't as emotional as Jack at the moment just by the look on his face and how he always talked about how excited he was every single day till this day comes. He walks over to you and leans down to your height again looking at his newborn child.
"Hey little guy." He says in a high pitched voice sniffing wiping away his baby's tears off his cheeks.
"He looks like a little you." You choke out a chuckle.
Jack let's out a soft laugh and looks up at you with the biggest smile on his face. He abruptly hugs you and you immediately hug Jack back.
"I can't wait for all the adventures we'll have in the future with you and him." He says kissing you on the cheek a million times.
"Me too babe."

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