"Comfortable?" She looked down at him laying on her boobs, and he nodded.

Thunder crashed, and he pulled the cover over them, the room becoming cold as the air kicked in.

"You smell good Nuni." He told her, his head in her neck.

"Thank you but you're too big to be laying on top of me like this." She frowned, and he laughed, laying on his side, rubbing her ass.

"I wasn't even supposed to spend the night. You tricked me." He said, and she laughed.

"I didn't trick you, nobody told you to fall asleep." She smirked, rubbing her eye.

She rubbed his face, as he stared at her.

"Kairi?" She mumbled, rubbing the tattoo above his eyebrow.

"You're nosy." He chuckled, and her curious eyes searched his.

"My daughter. She died. Don't ask no more questions." He told her, and she nodded, not wanting to intrude.

She held his face, softly kissing the tattoo, and he smiled.

"You so pretty." He licked over his lips, making her blush.

"Thank you Asani. I been hearing that all my life, I didn't used to believe it at first." She mumbled.

"Why not?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"The girls at my middle school used to make fun of me, because I'm quiet. My daddy told me it was because they weren't as pretty as me, and they were jealous. Old ass man hating on little girls." She chuckled, shaking her head.

"It was true though." He told her, and she nodded.

Her phone rang, and she reached behind her, grabbing it off the nightstand.

"Hey stanky booty girl." Kianna said once India answered, making her laugh.

"Not you using my nickname for you on me." India smiled, hearing Kianna laugh.

"Auntie you supposed to come get me. I don't wanna be with mommy no more." Kianna mumbled.

"It's storming booty. Are you okay? Did something happen?" She asked, sitting up.

"No, I just don't wanna be here. Her boyfriend is here." Kianna whispered the last part.

"I'm on my way Ki. I'm going to call daddy then I'll call you right back okay?" India told her.

"Okay auntie hurry please." Kianna mumbled, hanging up.

"Asani you gotta go baby." India stood up, holding her chest.

"Her boyfriend bad or some?" He asked, pulling his clothes back on as India pulled on a pair of biker shorts.

"He makes Kiki uncomfortable. She said he hasn't did anything to her though. I don't like him either." India mumbled, pulling on one of Duke's hoodies that she stole and calling Kayden.

"Wassup fat mama?" Scarr answered.

"I'm going to get my baby. Kayla got that nigga over there after I told her Kianna didn't like him. Ima beat that girl ass I swear." India said, putting her socks and her black and white dunks on.

"Ima kill this bitch. Don't go, I'm finna go get her." He told her.

"No, my baby wanna come with me. Im hanging up, I have to call her back." India grabbed her phone, ending the call.

"Thank you for staying with me Asani." India grabbed his face, kissing his nose and he smiled.

"Be safe, call me when you back at home, I'm not playing." Dave kissed the side of her face and she nodded, and they both ran to their cars in the heavy rain.

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