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He was different from the others; of that she was sure. He was luscious and unruly; untameable. Most people would dote on his face, believing it to be his best feature when in reality, everything on him was perfect. At least to her. He glided with an athletic grace without skipping a bit. His skin tone was a light brown and appeared golden as the sun shone on him. His deep brown but almost black eyes that seemed to look into the soul of everyone he interacted with and his lips that were only a shade lighter. He was no doubt one of the most beautiful men she ever had the pleasure to lay her eyes upon. She sighed and turned over onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. It had been two weeks since they had left school for holidays.

In her dreams, she would allow herself to hope for what was unattainable in reality. A smile played on her lips as she thought back; the last time she had seen him.

He had been with Daniel at the set for 'Love money. He had approached her and asked about her life. His voice was mellifluous to her ears. He wore nifty clothes and an earthly sweet scent swirled around him. She fought the urge to sniff him. She watched his lips move but didn't even understand what he was saying. She just kept nodding her head in approval for whatever he was saying. I have to go.... Daniel is waiting" she heard a husky voice speak next to her. She looked up from his beautiful pink lips and into soft sparkling black jewels that were his eyes. A hand came up to her face which made her to jump. His expression was a dazzle of wonder over a friendly smile.

"Bye .... wait .... what? You are leaving already? she stopped herself when she realized what she was agreeing to. Conrad just nodded his head.

"You don't want me to go......?"Conrad said touching her cute small nose.

" It's fine! Just ......say .... Nowel " she said quickly as her voice started faltering. He then walked backwards, his one hand in the pocket of his pants as he waved the other to her smiling before turning and running off to his best friend.

'He struts around like a rooster in a hen house. she whispered as she watched his ass sway and disappear in the far corner of the parking lot. She swore it were teasing as he sashayed to the music in her head when he turned one last time smiling and winking at her. The smile he always gave her was true and genuine. His eyes would light up whenever he smiled.

' I love his smile' she thought as she leaned back on her car biting her lower lip and smiling.

"Does sashay apply to men?" She was having a mental fight with herself. He kindly stopped for me...." She sighed as a genuine smile from her eyes took over her face.

She jumped out of bed and picked her notebook from the nightstand and a pen. She laid on her stomach on her bed and started writing one of her best memories. She was totally engrossed in her writing when a knock sounded on her door and then someone opening it.

" Hey" she turned to see her mother walk into her room. She slid the book under her pillows before jumping from the bed. "wasuze otya muwala wange?" Mrs. Mutabazi greeted.

"Bulungi maama, wasuze otya?" she replied getting out of bed. The sun pierced through the pink flowery curtains giving them a shade of flowers on their faces. Bulungi.

"I am going out to the market to get some groceries. After, I will be at the office. I have a meeting with the ladies at 11:00am" her mum said coming up to her for a hug. "Yes mum" she said words muffled in her neck as they hugged.

"I think I will go join Cathy at sunset. By the way, where is she?" Jedda pulled out of the hug curious to know where her sister was. She was so surprised when Cathy didn't enter in her room to wake her up as she did every day.

"She went for jogging with Jaxon and William." Her mother replied before picking up her bag.

" I am going now! Make sure to catch the milkman." She said over her shoulder as she ruffled in the bag searching for something. She bumped into someone but before she could fall, strong arms came around her. Jedda looked up to see it was her father, Cathy behind him.

"Next time, watch where you are going. I don't want this beautiful face scratched." Jaxon said roughly before putting her down and letting her to stand straight before releasing her.

"Morning dad!" Jedda said as he came to where she was.

"How are you sweetheart?" He asked as he engulfed her in a tight hug.

"Am fine dad" she replied before sliding out of his tight hold.

"Jess, prepare breakfast for everyone. I am going to be back in twenty minutes." her mum said before escaping with their father.

"Hellos to you" Cathy greeted her before continuing down the hall to her room.

Jedda was the one who took after their mother. She was always cute, happy and had a bubbly character although serious when it came to work. She was the exact replica of her. Guess that's the reason she took her Christian name. As for Cathy, she was bold, feisty, diligent and beautiful with dazzling black orbs as eyes just like their father. She was strong and Jedda always writhed unsuccessfully from her hold despite being older than her. Her brazen character had also helped her to land a part in the movie 'Love money. She was now the famous 'Angel of pirates all around town.

" 'Totekamu mata' in my porridge.' Bushera' is sweet as it is" Cathy said jumping and pulling herself to sit at the counter next to Jedda. She had changed into black shorts and a white polo shirt with yellow sneakers. She looked beautiful and like a model with her tall frame. She always had her porridge without sugar and milk. Things to do with maintaining figure. Jedda never understood why she bothered because she always went for a run every morning with their father.

"Okay." Jedda said carrying an empty cup to remove her share.

"Can I come with you to Sunset?" Jedda asked mixing the milk in the porridge.

"Do you have to ask? I love your company and you are my sister." Cathy said hugging her sister from behind. "And Eugene will love to see more of your expertise. And I was planning on getting you out of this house today. she said turning her before pushing her out of the kitchen. "Now go. shoo...shoo. Put on some good clean clothes. I will finish here." She chased her away taking over mixing the porridge and setting the table.

"Will this work?" Jedda asked from the door way. She said uneasily.

"Yes! And don't you dare go change. Those black skinny jeans look great on you." Cathy cheered her. She had topped the outfit with a cute maroon neck blouse with a black jean jacket and black Gucci sneakers.

They sat down and had their share of breakfast before picking their jackets and bags and exiting the house. They got out of the house just as their parents entered the gate. They waited for them to park and get out of the car before exiting in Jedda's bimmer. She had received it as a gift from her parents on her eighteenth birthday. It was meant to take them to places like the museum, parks, beaches, but mainly Sunset. It was cosy, exciting and confident. It switched to a hard-brutal monster in an instant as she cut the smooth roads of Njala, top down and in a perfect weather. The 4BMW M3 E92 was light and there weren't many creature comforts to get in the way. Jedda reached her hand and put on her best song, 'midnight train' by Sauti sol. They sang along to the lyrics until they reached Sunset.

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