Once at your car, you immediately start the engine and begin to buckle your seatbelt.

Right when you're about to put the car into drive, you hear a tapping noise on your window, causing you to jump slightly.

You look over at the person in standing outside of your car door and see Namjoon, causing you to put your hand on your chest as you roll the window down.

"Aish, Namjoon! Don't do that. I thought you were a sex trafficker or a robber... or worse, Kai." You say before rolling your eyes.

"Sorry about that." He says before letting out a soft laugh. "Just figured I should bring this to your car before you show up to your date without proper shoes to wear." He lifts a bag containing your tennis shoes. You widen your eyes.

"Oh gosh, thank you." You say while reaching for the bag. Once you get it from him, you place it onto the passenger's seat.

"Any time. I could nearly feel the blisters that you would've gotten if I didn't bring them." He says before shaking his head. "I don't know how you can wear those uncomfortable looking high heels all day. Must be a pain in the butt."

"Oh, they are." You say before shrugging. "But beauty is pain, they say." He lets out a soft laugh and nods his head.

"Well, I'm going to head back into the office now. See you Monday!" he says. You nod and give him a wave before putting your car into drive and making your way out of the parking garage.

Once you get to the studio, you rush to get out of your car and make your way towards the building. As you get to the entrance of the building, you nearly get hit by the door as someone exits the building.

"Oops, sorry." You hear before looking up and seeing Solar. She tilts her head to the side as she sees you, a knowing smile forming on her face. "Y/N? Pole dancing classes don't start for another hour."

"I know, I'm here for another lesson too."

"Two lessons in one day?" she questions. You nod. This causes her smile to widen, eyes crinkling cutely as she stares in your direction. "I admire your endurance but you might want to get changed. All of the next classes start in about fifteen minutes."

You nod and watch as she steps outside, holding the door open for you so you can go in. You give her a quick 'thank you' before making your way into the building, rushing to the nearest restroom.

You get changed and take out the extra makeup you packed for the date.

At work today, you didn't wear much makeup so you wouldn't look oily and greasy at the end of the day.

You apply some concealer, powder, and waterproof mascara before applying a light tinted lip balm.

Jungkook had only seen you without makeup on a couple of times. And needless to say, most of these times were because you were crying it off because of Kai or because he surprised you and Miyeon at one of your girls' nights. You did not want to go on a second date without at least a little something on your face.

You look yourself over in the mirror and nod your head before taking a deep breath as you make your way out of the bathroom, your work clothes now in the bag that you carried in with you.

Sighing, you look down at the text that Jungkook sent earlier with the room number. You make your way towards that room and then glance through the tiny window to make sure you have the right class.

Arriving to the conclusion that you've found the right room, you open the door slowly and set your bag into the cubbies by the door. You glance around and see that the teacher is doing warmups with her eyes closed and headphones in her ears. You gulp before stepping forward a little. Opening her eyes, she makes eye contact with you in the mirror and smiles.

She's pretty.

She has long, black hair. Her face is round and she has winged eyeliner on. She's wearing a bold red lipstick and has a little freckle directly under one of her eyes.

When she smiles at you, she looks cute. But when she isn't smiling, you can feel her sexy aura peeking through.

She takes her headphones out of her ears and smiles widely in your direction.

"Hi, are you here for the tango dance lessons? Party of two?" You nod.

"Yes, that's me," you point to the door behind you. "The other person in our party isn't here yet." She nods.

"That's okay, you're five minutes early." She says before stepping towards you. "I'm Soojin."

"I'm Y/N." you respond.

"It's nice to meet you. Your boyfriend told me that it was your idea to take these dance lessons?"


"Oh, yeah. I thought it'd be a fun date idea, you know, to try out new dances together." She smiles and nods.

"Tango is very romantic as well. It's definitely a fun couples' class."

You nod and smile before you see the door behind you moving in the mirror. The door creeps open and you turn your head to look in that direction.

You see Jungkook peeking his head in, eyes wide and innocent as he looks to see if you're in here. Once his eyes land on you, his eyes sparkle and a wide smile finds its way on his face.

"Y/N, you're early!" he says before stepping into the room. He's dressed in some track pants and a white t-shirt. He approaches you before embracing you into a hug.

He smells like vanilla mixed with clean cotton as you reciprocate the hug.

You look over and see Soojin smiling.

"Ah, this is why I love teaching couples' classes. Seeing how much couples appreciate each other makes my heart full." She says before turning away to give you two your privacy.

You pull away from the hug and smile up at Jungkook.

"How was work?" he questions immediately. You smile.

"Work was good. How has your day been so far?"

"Good, I created a new marking ad and pitched it to my boss. He said he liked it." He says.

"I almost forgot that you're a marketing analyst by day and a pole dancing instructor at night." You respond, causing him to smile and shrug.

"Best of both worlds, am I right?" you let out a soft laugh and nod your head.

He then reaches over and takes your hand, leading the way towards the area closest to the mirror.

"Are you two ready to begin the warmups and lesson?" you both nod. Soojin smiles before nodding her head as she starts to let you two do some warmup exercises.

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me seven BTS members, Jungkook's six pack, five golden chains, four days of Namjooning, three Weverse updates, two VLives, and a hug from Yoongi.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now