I guess now would be a good time to attack while they were distracted.

I spun around from my tree and thrust my arms out and water from the ocean came in my control. Even though we were in the middle of the island, the power of the ocean came easily to me. I immediately took aim at the ninjas who still didn't suspect a thing. And the water went straight at them, full on monster-mode. The water blasted the ninjas and Talia against the brick wall with enough force causing them to fall to the ground unconscious.

With five ninjas left, they began circling around be before jumping to attack. I formed another water ball in my hands before spreading the water into five separate strands that looked like tentacles. Each tentacle wrapped itself around each ninjas body, and as the ninjas struggled to escape, I willed the water to throw the rest of the ninjas into the air and into the distance. They were gone for now.

Still skulking around, I made my way towards where Chase and I came. The smell of the salty ocean wafted under my nose, leading the way. I did encounter two ninjas along the way towards the beach, but they were unconscious before they saw me coming.

This feels way too easy, I thought to myself as I stepped over a fallen tree. Usually, I'd be dragging myself to get away, with dozens of wounds and cuts across my body. But instead, I was fine. You'd think a League of Assassins would have a better security system. I don't think it looks good when they realize a 17-year-old managed to take down over thirty of their ninjas.

I strolled my way down the trail, no longer on the lookout for any ninjas since it seemed out of their vicinity. But I was still cautious, looking around me around few minutes to make sure I wasn't being followed. And being careful not to step on fallen leaves or twigs that might cause a noise.

I could hear the waves of the water from where I stood which made me smile to myself. But that was when I heard a voice. I couldn't recognize the sound but I knew it was coming from the beach, the one place I needed to get to. I tried to get a look as to who was talking but I was too far away to see.

I ran ahead, tiptoeing around the sticks and branches, trying to not make any noise. I went towards a tree and pressed my back against it. I could hear the voice more clearly now. And I rolled my eyes, sighing when I figured out who it was.

I peaked from around the tree and I saw Chase talking to himself about who knows what while retying the boat that we arrived on more securely.

I ran towards my left, going the other way around the island. There had to be another boat around here somewhere, how else would all these ninjas have arrived here. As I was running, I tripped on a root that was lifted from the ground. My foot hooked on it, and I didn't see it until it was too late.

I fell to the ground, my hands catching the brute of the fall. I felt small pebbles engrain itself in the palms of my hand. I looked over to where Chase was standing, afraid that he heard me. I was completely still, not daring to move an inch in case he saw me.

Chase looked up from what he was doing and looked towards my direction. He didn't see me, but he was going to soon.

And that's when I made a realization. I couldn't hide from Adrian Chase forever, especially Oliver. He was a horrible man who's done horrible things. I had to finish it now, I wasn't about to let him win by running away from this fight.

At this point, he had pulled out a sword from his sheath, branding it in the sunlight. And began walking towards my direction. "Who's there?" He shouted, looking around.

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