Chapter 2 - Caelum

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Not editied! I just wanted to post this ASAP, sorry for the delays!


The gargantuan doors only open wide enough for us to squeeze through. They close soundlessly behind us, causing a gentle breeze that touched my skin like a gentle caress. Daddy kept walking, but I was too fascinated by the angels lining the walls like statues. Each stood motionless with their hands behind their backs, watching as we walked past. They were encased in leather, similar to what Luke had been wearing the night I met Marco, but theirs was a plain white, the only detail a weird symbol on the middle of their chests. What mostly fascinated me was that their wings were the same colour. Sam once told me that an angel’s wings is like a finger print, completely unique, but theirs was a bland grey, no bright bursts of colours or different shades, it was the same on every feather.

I made eye contact with one, and the corner of his lips twitched. Whether it was a mocking smirk or not I couldn’t tell, but it unsettled me to the point I gripped my dad’s forearm. “It’s ok, they are guards,” he whispers to me.

“What do they guard?”

“Caelum, it is constantly under threat from the dark forces below us, it is considered a great honour to be chosen. They take their job very seriously, and we live comfortably because of them.” He nods at one particular angel who subtly gives one back. Sentinels, that’s what they were, watching and no doubt listening to everything we say.

Daddy came to a stop, I hadn’t realised we had come to the end of the large room. I looked around and saw nothing, just the sentinels. There wasn’t even a large chair or another door, it was just blank space. I look up at him questioningly, I’ve reached my quota of surprises for a lifetime. “Remember what I said, let me do the talking.” I nod in response, almost too nervous to speak out. A pulse emanates from my stomach, reminding me of my wound again. I’m afraid to look at it or even think of how I got it.

Another warm breeze heats the room, coming from the nowhere. I find this please strangely repetitive… A warm breeze here, overly decorated room there. Dad’s arms tighten around me and I watch as his wings begin to vibrate, I felt the vibrations travel from his arms to my bones until the whole room seemed to shake with me. The jarring motion agitated my wound, I close my eyes and grit my teeth to try and block it out, but it was just so painful, as if something was burning my skin away.

I was gasping for air, angry that my own father wasn’t doing anything to help, when soothing coolness washes over me like smooth silk. “She is poisoned Michael,” the voice sounded concerned and it was oh so deep. It tickled my senses sending pleasant shivers through my body until my mark decided to send a sting to my chest.

“I know, it is why she is here prematurely. However, her powers are developing far faster than anticipated.” My daddy replies, sounding equally concerned, if not more so. I didn’t like the way they were talking about me, and I wanted to get a good look a Mr. Deep Voice. I peeked one eye open first, all I saw was white. Opening both I realise he is wearing white silk just like dad, peering upwards two golden pools shine warmly whilst a small smile tilts two, plump lips.

The pleasant shivers never returned, only a feeling of revulsion as I remember Luke. Not knowing if he is ok is driving me crazy, I no doubt would be if I wasn’t so distracted. The angel’s wings were also a plain white that seemed to glow from within. His hair was chestnut and tied back at the nape of his neck, highlighting high cheek bones and a square jaw. He analyses me back, his eyes scanning over every part of my body, but it wasn’t in an ‘I’m-checking-you-out’ way, It was more of an ‘I-hope-you-are-ok’ scan. “Who are you?” It slipped out, I knew I was in trouble when my dad hissed and the mystery man’s eyes brows almost hit his hair line.


“Sorry,” I whisper, looking up at dad. A chuckle emits from the left of me from mystery man, startling the both of us. He keeps chuckling, his shoulders shaking with each gasp. Dad looks horrified and I was, as usual, totally confused.

The mystery man rested a hand on my shoulder, “it is ok my dear, it is refreshing to have someone look me in the eye when I talk to them.” He looks up at dad. “Michael you need to take her Edith, I cannot remove it.” Dad nods, remove what? “Then get her training as soon as she is recovered.”

“Yes sir.” Dad was a lot more reluctant at mystery man’s second statement. Dad turned and begins to head towards the exit, and with me still in his arms, I was able to look back at mystery man. He lifted his hand and gave a small wave. What a strange angel.


We weave through twisty corridors at a fast pace, dad barely stops to reply to anyone who greets him. I was too awed to anything but hold on; I’d never seen so many angels in my life, not even in Aurora. The walls gradually get barer, losing the little patterns and pictures that had decorated the previous ones. “Edith is a medicine and potion expert, she’ll help the pain from your wound and…” He trails off.

“And what?”

“Edith will answer your questions birdie, you’ll be fine,” he bends awkwardly to kiss my forehead. I hold back my urge to snap at him. Exhaustion hits me like a tonne of bricks. These past few days have been eventful and tiresome and the rocking motion of being carried is lulling. My heavy eyelids close, encasing me in a warm darkness, yet I feel loneliness encompass my chest, reminding me that I need to get back to Luke as I fall asleep.

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