CH.3: Deadly encounter

Start from the beginning

I went back to the other door and searched for anything that could possibly be the passcode to that door. After a few minutes i found a sticky note with numbers i memorized them and went back to the cell door and tried the numbers and it worked it opened and i went inside and was about to fully close the door but i thought about last time so i took my bag off and and placed it so the door was ajar. I looked at pitch and cautiously walked over Infront of him he was still sleeping, his head was leaned back i know he said he can hardly feel pain but that's got to be uncomfortable.

Umm pitch?

Nothing. Should i be a bit louder or poke him? Wait could he even feel if i poked him? Hmm i wonder. I went over to get the stick i had leaning on the glass. I smiled to myself this can be payback for scaring me shitless and almost eating me.

Pitch? Wakey wakey.

I poked him a little in his arm still nothing.

I wonder how hard I'd have to poke you for you to feel it?

I jabbed him a bit harder still nothing.

You still alive? Or undead?

I saw his finger twitch at that i smiled was he just playing with me or was he really in such a deep sleep?

You know this goes to a whole new level of sleeping like the dead.

I heard a held in snort come from him so he was faking being asleep.

So you are awake.

Pitch- yes indeed. Now stop poking me with that stick or I'll snap it in half.

I reeled my stick back holding it close to my chest he better not break it. Then i heard him laugh he was looking at me now his eyes held more grey but they looked more silver like with the gold.

Pitch- don't be so protective over it or were you blind to see my restraints?

No i saw them. They don't look to comfortable along with that muzzle it sounds like your having trouble speaking properly. Want me to take the muzzle off you?

Pitch- do what you please. Why are you here? Did you come on your own volition?

I'm here because i wanted you to answer some questions of mine and yeah i came here on my own nobody knows I'm here no one's even awake yet.

Pitch- what time is it? Why would you come here without them around or knowing when it's dangerous? Haven't you learned from last time?

It's around 4 in the morning. I wanted to come on my own because i felt like it. And i guess not.

I started to take off the muzzle it was difficult but i got a strap off. I felt his hair a bit while doing it it was soft, once i got the straps unlatched i grabbed it from the sides of his jaw and took it off. As i did that my fingers lightly grazed his skin it was ice cold but soft. Once it was fully off i out it on the ground beside him i watched as he moved his jaw hearing a few pops. Then he cracked his neck hearing a few cracks he looked satisfied having be able to do that. When he was done he looked at me again.

Pitch- thank you, frost.

I smiled.

No problem Boogie.

Pitch- what no Mr.Boogeyman anymore?

Yeah it's to long and to formal not unless your going to call me Miss. Frost.

Pitch- you hardly seem the Miss. Type.

Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?

Pitch- nothing you'll understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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