CH.3: Deadly encounter

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Previously in Ch.2:

Before i was about to leave i spoke again.

First we'll try and have her speak to you after your eat tomorrow, second why change your mind about complying if it's from jack?

Pitch- because north she's much more interesting and entertaining then you lot. And i have yet to get the desired information out of her she's peeked my interest.

I have bad feeling i didn't like the way he said that. I hope this is right choice and nothing bad goes wrong.

(Back to story Jack's pov)

Ugh i hate this time of the month lucky i had a few things for this time and that theirs another female working with me so that's a plus. I feel like sleeping all day but i need to get up i wished dr.jone was here i kind of miss our studies in the mornings. It helped get my mind off the whole apocalypse thing reminded me of when dad would help me study on his time off.

I haven't seen pitch ever since that first day here. I have so many questions for him but I'm to afraid to go near him i wanted to know if he knew what caused the apocalypse in the first place. I had made a whole few pages of questions i want to ask him maybe I can give it to tooth to see if she knows? No maybe not i haven't been very talkative with them I've only really talked to them a few times that was during meal times and when north gave me a few passkeys and passcodes for the security doors.

I'll just sleep for today and I'll get up super early in the morning to talk to pitch by myself before they even wake up. But wait pitch said that dr.north is an insomniac i just hope he won't be up when I'm up. For now i think I'll sleep for the rest of the day that way I'll be able to wake up early tomorrow morning.

(Time skip at night)

The alarm i set woke me up immediately. I felt around to turn it off took a while but i finally got it off. I yawned and rubbed the sleep out my eyes it was 4am in the morning we'll no time like the present. I got up turned on the light and got the things I needed, notebook, pencil, pen, passkey, some salted peanuts for a snack, my medication, water. I put it all in my satchel bag now i just need to use the restroom before i leave.

After i used the restroom i felt better and grabbed my bag, i poked my head out the door and the automatic lights turned on I frowned i forgot about those. I didn't see anyone though and the guards are on the other side of the front area of the lab so they won't really see me. I was about to go all out when i realized i forgot my new walking stick i don't really need it now but i like to hold it and take it with me brings comfort plus i can use it to whack pitch if he tried anything.

I ran to the confinement cell he was in and opened the door but when the lights turned on there he wasn't there the place was cleaned thoroughly and no pitch did they move him to a new one? Ok so i just need to check everyone of these confinement cell's i looked down the hall seeing a few doors. I went to the next one and looked through the window then went through the door the lights went on he wasn't here either.

I kept doing that until i got to the last one at least i hope this was the last one i entered through the door the lights turned on. I wasn't expecting this room it looked like one of those police interrogation rooms on tv but much cooler looking and bigger. There was another door i went over to it and walked through the lights turned on and there he was strapped to a chair behind glass wearing a muzzle. How can they treat someone like this?!

I went over to the door i paused before trying to unlock it he's strapped in the chair so it should be fine for me to enter right? I backed up from the door and looked at pitch he was sleeping i knocked hard on the glass to try and wake him up he didn't budge. He must be a heavy sleeper, i walked back to the door and started to unlock it i tried the same key card for it and i guess it also needed a code i tried the codes i knew from dr.north but they didn't work.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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Feeling in this undead heart (pitch x jack)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora