Ch.1: At death's door

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Story description/preview:

In a world where the dead become the living, and the living undead. 4 people known as "The guardians" are scientists scattered around the world trying to put an end to this zombie outbreak only few cities survived but barely.The head of the guardians scientists have called then all together in a secret location an island deprived of any of the undead in a underground facility. they don't have many resources left but they hastily make the trip there. As they are now gathered together knowing nothing about why they were called there a voice The head of the guardians Manny speaks to them over a radio telling them they will be having a new addition to the group to begin working together on a cure and that they may have found "Patient zero".

(Deep in underground facility)
"patient zero" sits in the dark his golden-silver eyes watching and waiting behind bulletproof glass cell (cage), he smirks knowing that his "Old friend" had brought them all here "this was going to be fun" he thought. Knowing full well their going to try and "cure" the zombie outbreak even when he himself has tried and failed before and he was the best of the best. He also knows that there's only roughly 0.0016% of the living population left which would estimate to be 128, 059 thousand and most of which are only meer children. There's also the military group that brought him there along with safely bringing "the gaurdians" to this facility, known as (Y.E.T.I.'S) standing for Youth. Entelligence.Training.In.Security. which in his opinion is a stupid name but then again it is a newly made military group from which this damned zombie apocalypse created. patient zero didn't mind being in the cage in restraints as long as he can be able to do his own research, relieve his boredom maybe a few experiments or two on a few unlucky children and most of all plan his next move for the foreseeable "future" he'd be content.

(Story starts- Date: 23rd of July, 2016 Jack's pov)

I'm turning 15 in just a few days how exciting but less exciting that school will be coming up here soon and highschool at that. And my sister Emma will be going back to middle school she just turned 12 a few months ago. I'm not looking forward to going back to school so much homework, studying, tests, drama, especially when it's cold in those classroom's i can't deal with the cold not with my condition.

(Few days later)

Come on Em! If you don't run faster I'll end up beating your again!

I ran with her in tow we were racing to the park like always.

Emma- not fair jack your older and taller them me of course your going to win again!

True but I'm also sick so come on step up your speed if you want to best me this time!

I began to feel dizzy again my body colder then normal or what would be considered normal for me but i pushed passed it i always push pass it just to have a bit more fun with my sister and family before....

Emma- yes and that's exactly why you shouldn't be doing this you need to take it easy jack or you might faint again and end up having to go to the hospital!

I heard her closer behind me i slowed down a bit feeling tired and wanting her to win once. And she's right but i want to have as much fun as i can it's before school starts and before i really have to relax and be all serious. She got ahead of me smiling almost at the park when my vision blurred and her smiling happy self turned into the look of horror.

Run! Run em go! Don't worry about me just run and hide!

I ran and ran feeling like my lungs are going to burst we were running away from the monster's trying to eat us one was after us i tried to lead it away from her but before i can do that one came out of now where from the corner street and tackled her down to the ground i froze watching in horror as she was being torn apart her screams filled my ears reminded me of our parents.

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