Before he could start the car his phone rang and it was his wifey “Hello wifey, what else do you want?” he asked smiling.

“Rudr come back… please fast…” said Durga in panic.

“Ammu are you ok.. hello”

“Rudr come here NOW…” screamed Durga and Rudr ran inside saying her to calm down but she was freaking out and crying.

She was standing in the middle of the room looking down at her wet pants holding her belly in pain, before she could fall Rudr took her in his hands.

“Rudr… it’s hurting… I can’t…” cried Durga hugging Rudr.

“I know it’s hurting, but you have to bear it baby, we will reach the hospital now, please don’t give up… it's for our baby, our baby will be in your arms soon…” he tried to calm her saying sweet nothings while he rushed to the car.

Vishnu and Nithya came running hearing Durga’s cry “Oh my... Durga are you alright,” asked Nithya running behind them.

“Vishnu go take the bag and come to the hospital, I am leaving with her now,” said Rudr laying Durga on the back seat and Nithya sat beside her trying to calm down Durga.

“Durga take a deep breath, you will be alright, we will reach the hospital soon sweety…” said Nithya crying along with Durga.

“Baby please hold on we will be there soon,” says Rudr, he was tensed as hell but he has to be strong for his wife and baby. He drove the car as fast as he could. Durga’s pain increased and she started to scream.

“Rudr, please… go fast I can't handle this…”

“5 minutes baby we will be there soon.”

Rudr didn’t wait for a stretcher or wheelchair, he carried Durga in his arms and ran inside the hospital when they reached there. She was taken to the labor room.

Soon all the family members were there, everyone was tensed…

“Mr. Rudr Varma…” called the nurse.

“Yes, that’s me, is my wife alright?”

“She is asking for you to be with her, please come in,” said the nurse, and Rudr went inside and saw his Ammu, lying in the bed and withering in pain, the nurse gave him a hospital dress to wear.

“Rudr, I can’t…” she cried seeing him.

“Shhh… baby you can, this pain will go away once you see our lovely baby, I promise,” said Rudr kissing Durga’s palm.

“Ok, Durga, it's time, push when I say, no need to worry just take all your strength and push,” said the doctor giving her a warm smile, and started to rub her belly and pushed making her cry out loud in pain.

“Ok now push… “ said the doctor and Durga pushed ignoring the bone-crushing pain she is having. Rudr was holding her hand and was encouraging her, but nothing helped her to reduce the pain.

After few more pushes, her body become tired and she started to take deep breaths seeking some energy into her system.

“Durga one more push dear..” said the doctor.


“Yes, baby I am here…”

“Take care of her if I didn’t make it,” she said looking at him.

“You are not going anywhere, I am never going to let you leave me again woman,” said Rudr angrily

She smiled and said “I love you” and pushed taking the last element of her strength and she heard it, she heard the sweetest sound she ever heard in her whole life.

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