RIP Albus Dumbledore and Adult Dursleys

Start from the beginning

"Give it." He said.

"No! You can't arrest me and I'll do whatever I please with the freak's things. My house, my property." Vernon said, angrily.

Sirius stunned him and caught the box. He muttered the counter curse once he safely had the box tucked in his arms.

"What! How did you get the box? What am I doing on the ruddy floor?" Vernon asked.

"I could tell you were going to be difficult, so I stunned you. Now you might be wondering why I woke you up. Well for one, we can't carry a whale. And two, you and ugly flower woman over here need to get what you deserve. Crucio!"

Sirius held them under the spell for about a minute until he stopped.

"You will always be hungry. You will feel self-hatred all the time. Your body will always feel sore. You will feel the pain you have inflicted on my godson." He stated.

With a flick a his wand, Petunia almost fell to the ground from all the pain. Vernon was clutching his wrist and heading towards the kitchen.

He started shoving a bunch of biscuits in his pig mouth. "You will always feel hungry, no matter how much you eat." Sirius said, smirking.

"I'm starving. I'm a freak and I don't deserve anything. Nobody loves me and I should've died. " Vernon said. "Wait, where did that come from."

"You will feel the emotional pain my godson had felt." Sirius said.

It took a moment for Vernon's words to really hit him. This was how Harry felt. This is what those bastards led him to believe.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and continued. "You'll feel this pain for the next 10 years. That's how long Harry had to. It will only go away sooner if you are truly sorry for you actions."

The Dursleys stared at him and he walked back to where Remus and Kingsley were standing with Dudley.

"The boy is blood related to a magical person therefore, he can legally live with squibs. I know a squib family who were looking to adopt a kid his age so I'll take him there. Remus, arrest them and take them to the ministry. Sirius, I think you should go with Harry. " Kingsley said, noticing the man's red eyes.

Remus arrested them and apparated away, along with Kingsley.

Sirius stayed in the abandoned house a bit longer before he sat on the couch and opened the chest.

Inside, there was a couple of magic books, some old clothes, a school robe, and a small box.

He didn't want to betray Harry's trust, but he wanted to know what Harry had.

He carefully opened the brown box. Harry's phone and a couple of sweets took up most of the space, but there was also a sheet of parchment.

                              Harry Potter 5 years old

Dear Mum and Dad.

It's almost Christmas and Dudley gave me a sheet of paper secretly so I could write a letter to Father Christmas. But I wanted to write to you guys first even though your not here with me. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon are really mean and they bully me and stuff. Dudley is kind of nice he even went to the park with me and I got to go on the slide! Anyways I want to be with you guys for Christmas but Aunt Tunia said you crashed the car and got yourselfs killed cause you don't love me. I think shes  lying but don't tell her. I want to go to a home for Christmas. I think thats my only Christmas wish is to have a daddy. Or a mummy or both. I don't think Father Christmas is real, cause I was really good last year and he forgot me. So I wrote to you to give me my Christmas wish. I'm home lone right now but i need to hide the letter so Uncle Vernon cant find it or he will hurt me.

Byebye. Love, Harry.


Sirius was finding it harder to swallow the lump in his throat as he carefully folded the letter and put it back in the box.

He got up and went through the fireplace.

"Hey, Molly?"

"Oh Sirius, there you are! Is everything alright?" She said, noticing his once again red eyes.

"Yeah but I just need to go somewhere. Can Harry stay a while longer?" He asked.

"Yes of course, he's welcome anytime. The boys are outside playing quidditch." Molly said.

"Okay, I'll be back for him soon." He replied.


Sirius was walking around the streets of Diagon Alley. He had just finished purchasing a huge load of clothes and gifts for Harry, but there was a couple more things he needed to do to make Harry's Christmas wishes come true. And maybe his own...

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