Finally Home

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Here's a picture of Sirius for y'all

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Here's a picture of Sirius for y'all...

Okay so here's the story you came to read..

Sirius held his godson close to his chest. The boy seemed to be mumbling something but the words were slurred so Sirius didn't understand what they were.

He continued to walk down the street until he reached Arabella Figg's house.

He knocked with his foot not wanting to disturb Harry, who seemed to be calming down.

The door opened second later. "Sirius? Is that you? I heard you just got out of Azkaban. What are you doing here?"
The woman asked.

It was only seconds after that she noticed the boy I'm Sirius's arms. She gestured for him to come inside.

He quickly ducked into the house and set his Godson down gentley on the couch.

"What in Merlin's name happened to the boy? Why is he half nude in the middle of winter?"

"Those bloody relatives of his seem to be the cause. Albus didn't believe he was being abused so I had to take matters into my own hands and it's possible I saved his life." Sirius replied with a lump forming in his throat.

"Well you need to get him somewhere warm soon. He looks like he might catch a cold. "Arabella replied.

"I can't heal him because it could cause damage if he's not awake. I just came here so I could set him down for a moment while I compose myself. I'm taking him back to Grimmauld place with me in a minute. " Sirius replied.

Arabella just nodded and handed him a knitted scarf. "I was gonna give this to Harry for Christmas since I dont believe he's ever received a gift but I guess it might be pretty usefully now. "

Sirius took the scarf. He quickly tore off his jacket and jumper leaving him in only a plain t shirt. He carefully slipped the jumper on the boy as well as the jacket. He wrapped the scarf gentley around the boy's neck as well.

He wrapped a blanket around Harry and thanked Arabella before stepping into her floo with a sleeping Harry.

He arrived at Black Manor at quickly headed upstairs to lay Harry in his room. The boy sighed in his sleep and mumbled something else.

Sirius ran his fingers  through the boy's hair. He reached the boy's forehead and softly traced the lighting shaped scar with his thumb.

The boy started mumbling something else. He started squirming quite a bit until his eyes pried open.

Where am I? Harry thought... maybe my Christmas wish came true...

He took a moment to process his settings. He could feel something soft around his arms and he could feel something cushiony under his back. Harry could feel a blanket up to his waist but he couldn't feel he was wearing trousers or anything besides his pants.

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