The Rescue Pt. 2

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Soo I've always bit easier to imagine Sirius when I see a picture of how an author portrays him. So here you go:

You're welcome ;)

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You're welcome ;)

Sirius followed the car while invisible untill it pulled up at a shopping mile a couple streets away from the house.

The car parked in front of the festive building and the the boy and his uncle got out.

Sirius transfigured his robes to a t shirt and a black jacket. He watched from aside as the man dragged his godson into the mall.

He discretely followed them inside and watched as the Dursley handed his godson a wad of money.

" Boy, buy everything Dudley wants and don't get my son anything crappy. I'm going to the Jewelry shop for your aunt. Get the gifts wrapped at the cashier after you pick some nice stuff out. Don't even THINK about buying yourself anything because I'll be checking the receipt." The man whispered.

Sirius was standing 10 feet away, pretending to mind his own business but, he overheard everything.

The beefy man left and his nephew wandered into a toy shop a couple shops down.

He followed him discretely and watched as the boy admired toys and games throughout the store.

The boy grabbed a shopping cart and began filling it with pricey items until he walked up to the cashier.

The cashier lady gave him a questioning look, "Sorry, kid but are your parents around? You shouldn't be by yourself with this much money."

Sirius watched from behind a shelf of candy as the boy shook his head and nervously backed away slowly.

"Alright, I'll do the purchase but next time come with an adult. You don't look older than 9 and you shouldn't be alone in a big mall with this much cash."

The boy nodded and stepped forward. "Can you wrap these please?" He said nervously.

The cashier nodded and grabbed wrapping paper from a counter.

"Who do I write the gifts to?" She asked.

"Dudley Dursley." The boy mumbled.

"Oh you must be his cousin, Harry. I work at the school library at Smeltings. He's told me you're a bit of a trouble maker. Where's your uncle?"

"He uh went to go get us food but I'll go meet him after this."

She was just about to scan a picture pop-up book about magical creatures when the boy stopped her.

"Uh you can take out that one. Dudley doesn't like books. I accidentally put it in there."

She noticed the glum expression on the young boy's face.

"You sure you don't want it for yourself? You have enough pounds left." She asked.

The boy quickly shook his head. About 10 minutes later, he walked out with a trolley full of wrapped presents addressed to, "Dudley Dursley."

Sirius had watched the entire event behind the candy shelf. After the boy left, he sighed and walked up to the cashier.

"I'll take the book the boy just had." He said.

The cashier looked confused but wrapped it up.

"Who do you want it addressed to?"

Sirius thought for a moment. "Prongslet." He finally said.

"May I ask what that is?" The lady questioned.

"Oh yes. Um a nickname. Have a nice day now." He said with a sly smile.

Yes! I charmed the pants off of her, he thought, looking at the blush that erupted on her face.

He carried the wrapped book in his arm and walked away.


He quickly ducked into an empty washroom after leaving and apparated to 4 Privet Drive after placing an invisibility charm on himself.

Sirius arrived at street just in time to see a car pull up on the driveway.

The two stepped out of the vehicle soon after.

"Freak! Get Dudley's gifts in the cupboard and then go to the sitting room. I bought a new belt for myself and you best believe I have a holiday gift for you."

He whispered it to the boy and even though it was inaudible to the rest of the world, one protective godfather across the street heard it all.

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