RIP Albus Dumbledore and Adult Dursleys

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"Sirius, for the last time, you can't crucio him." Remus said.

"He'll get boils where the sun doesn't shine and then, we stupefy him."Sirius said, feeling annoyed.

"Alright gentlemen, if you're done bickering, I'd like to arrest a man that is purposely sending a child back to an abusive home." Said another voice.

"Alright, Shacklebolt. Can I crucio the Dursleys though?" Said Sirius.

"If you must, I'll vouch for you. But I wouldn't do it to long. Settle for a spell that'll make them relive Harry's pain." Kingsley said.

"Fine." Sirius said, hazily.

At that very moment, Sirius, Kingsley, and Remus burst into Dumbledore's office, surrounded by other aurors.

"Ah, ladies, gentlemen, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?" He said.

"You owe an explanation and an apology to an 11 year old who almost died because of your stupidity." Sirius said coldy.

"You can't arrest me. I'm Dumbledore. I've done nothing. It was all for the greater good." Albus said.

"Actually, the wards you cast are related to dark magic and given you cast them to prevent an innocent man from protecting an innocent child, you will be arrested. Remus, lock him up." Kingsley said.

"Not so fast. What exactly did Sirius use to break those wards? It wasn't exactly dark magic, but it was definitely not something we would teach at Hogwarts. Sirius?" Albus asked.

"I used it to save my godson, therefore, I will not be sent to Azkaban, probably just fined. I'm bloody rich. Take half my fortune for all I care about. You on the other hand, will be saved a spot in cell #324. " Sirius said.

Dumbledore seemed to have forgotten Sirius inherited the Black fortune because he didn't say anything else while Sirius cast boils on him.

The other aurors took him to the ministry while Sirius, Remus, and Kingsley apparated to Number 4 Privet Drive.

"Okay we're here." Kingsley said.

"No, shit Sherlock." Sirius said.

Kingsley handed him a calming draught and and Sirius downed it.

The three walked up to the door and knocked.

"Mummy! Someone's at the door!" Said a voice from inside.

"Coming, Diddlydums." Said another voice.

The door was opened by a horse faced woman. "Oh it's you. Ugh. We told you, we don't want to your kind in here. You've already corrupted my Dudley."

"Actually, we were wondering who you'd like your son placed after we arrest you." Kingsley said.

"You can't arrest me. I did nothing wrong if you're referring to the freak." The woman responded.

"You let your husband physically abuse him. You helped a bit. You are charged with second-degree child abuse."

"Fine. Just don't put me in the same cell as him and let Dudders go to his aunt Marge."

Dudley suddenly popped up from behind and shook his head. Sirius winked at him and said, "Yeah, of course."

"First, can you lead us to Harry's belongings?" Remus asked.

"Oh. Vernon was just about to toss them in the fire." Petunia said casually.

Sirius pushed passed her and let himself inside. He entered a sitting room were the beefy man was lighting the fireplace and holding a small chest.

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