The First Text

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In this story, phones exist in the wizarding world but all the numbers are only connected to wizards and witches so if you text any number it will not be a muggle. Please vote and comment to let me know what you would like to see next.

Sirius sat on his bed at currently 10 p.m on a Tuesday scrolling through WizGram. Looks like ol' Remy found himself a lady-friend. He liked the picture and went to his message app to ask Remus about the girl he was with the weekend before

Oh shit he thought. He had just been recently freed and given a free iMagic 12 by the ministry as compensation for being falsely locked up in Azkaban for a decade.

He had only see Remus once since his release and had been given his phone number. He scrambled through his laundry until he pulled out a crumbled piece of parchment


and the last number was unclear. Either an 8 or 3 followed after the 5 but there appeared to be a blackberry marmalade stain covering the first half of the digit. Sirius stared at the digit for a second and decided to try it.

He texted hello to Wizard-146758
And the same to Wizard-146753.

Harry was letting Ron copy off his History of Magic homework that he had copied from Hermione earlier when suddenly he heard his Magicsung 8 vibrate in his pyjama pocket. Hello it said. Hello he typed back. It instantly responded. Who is this?   The stranger responded. My name's Harry. Who are you?  He typed back.

Oh nevermind I was looking for someone else. My name's Sirius but that's irrelevant so have a good night.

The name Sirius sounds strangely familiar... I think I heard it when I was a baby or something. Have a goodnight as well.

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