Just Enough Proof

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Hey Sirius... Is it still okay for me to vent to you??

Yeah, of course.

Alright, where do I start?? Well my relatives are evil and Christmas is coming up so I have to face them again soon because students aren't allowed to stay behind ....

Oh.. I see.. you go to Hogwarts I assume?

Yeah.. even though you're not a muggle I probably shouldn't give too many details about that..

That's alright.. So you're aren't excited for Christmas?

No.. If I'm lucky my uncle with give me a pair of socks..he still won't spare me from a beating though..

Well what would you like if you could wish for something?

I wanna leave my bloody relatives and go live somewhere else. That's my only wish right now to be honest..

Well, Harry.. that's an interesting wish and Christmas is only a week away.. Miracles happen, you know?

Not to me.. Ive wished the same thing since I was a baby... it's not happening but thanks for the sympathy..

You're welcome, Harry.. Have a good night, lad.

Thanks. You too...

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