Chapter 12 - Vigilantes

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"I don't know where the forge is. Can you direct me?"

I nod. "Sure. I'll take you there."

He follows me through the streets of Berk, not talking much. He keeps his head down, his hands in his pockets.

I stop at the blacksmiths. "Here we are" I say softly.

He smiles. "Thanks you Astrid, I hope we meet again." He the picks up my hand and kisses it before walking in to the shop.

A weird, tingly feeling happens in my hand as his lips touch it and I shake my hand to lose the feeling.

Who is this guy?

I sigh, swinging my axe in my hand. I look up to see Hiccup walking towards the docks, his back to me. I chase after him, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around.

"Hey beautiful" he smiles, giving me a small peck on the lips.

I glare at him, smacking his arm."Don't you, 'hey beautiful' me. Where have you been? I don't see you anymore."

He sighs, raking his hair with his hands. "Chief stuff."

"I didn't know chief stuff involved Ember" I spit.

He clenches his jaw, and for a second, he looks...almost...almost angry, but it disappears as soon as it surfaces. He raises an eyebrow. "Wha? I'm so confused right now. What has Ember got to do with this?"

"Do you like Ember?"

He hesitates. "She's a friend...yes-"

"Do you like like her?"

He hesitates. "No."

I pucker my lips, placing my hand on my hip. "You are spending more time with her, then you are with me."

"We are staying in the same house Astrid; kinda hard not to spend time with her."

"She's WHAT?!?!" I exclaim.

His cheeks redden. "S-She's...s-staying at m-my place."


"Because t-there's n-no one else who she will stay with."

I growl. "Hiccup. I don't like Ember. I think she's...shes...distracting you."

His jaw clenches and he balls his hands into fists, like he's trying to hide his anger. He raises an eyebrow. "Distracting me?"

I nod. "From me."

He rolls his eyes. "Astrid. Don't be stupid. I love you, and Ember is not getting in the way. She is only a friend."

I grit my teeth, gripping on to my axe tighter. Hiccup sighs, leaning in and kissing my forehead before walking off.

I stare at him as he leaves, and I just stand here, wishing he would stay.

He didn't even say goodbye...

There's something wrong with Hiccup, and I have to find out what it is.



I sit on the edge of the jetty, my legs swinging off the side. I stare out into the ocean, into the nothingness. I have just finished visiting Luna, giving her some food and getting a thousand licks off Althea.

I feel a sudden urge to go back to Byte.

Ruthless nudges me with her snout and I smile, rubbing her snout. "Hey girl, you wanna go home?"

We are one - HTTYD FanFic (The We Are Series) Book #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora