Wolff quickly straightened to a sitting position. The absence of his weight atop of me sent a cold pang through my chest and I didn't like how empty it suddenly made me feel. "We'll talk at home." He said to me as he straightened his tux. "For now I think it's best if I take the front seat." Just then, my gaze dropped to his bulging crotch and I had to bite my lip to refrain from uttering something desperate.

He was clenching his jaw as he adjusted himself through his pants and then with a long exhale, he climbed out the door. I watched in silence as the they exchanged curt nods, albeit stiffly, and with a lot of unspoken phrases. As Wolff rounded towards the passenger seat, it was only then that Axel's gaze dipped low to his own suit and started buttoning the top three buttons on his dress shirt. Before Wolff was able to enter the car, I squinted hard enough to be able to notice the smudge of red on Axel's collar.


Seems like it wasn't just Wolff and I who was in heat this evening.


Everything felt off as soon as we got back to the house. Wolff left me in the kitchen after pinning me against the counter and kissing me senseless. Then he just locked me out of his room.

I knew for a fact that he was going to touch himself. I felt how hard and desperate he was and how his grip was growing stronger and rougher as we stood in the kitchen. But then he just bolted.


Sighing, I propped my head down against my palms. It seemed we were back to the usual. Silly of me to think that after he had touched me like that in his car, we would progress further. I hadn't expected him to retrieve back and keep to himself again.

I released a small whimper of frustration. I wanted to touch him so bad. Why wouldn't he just let me?

"How are you holding up?"

Startled, I clutched my chest and jumped back to find Axel aiming for the fridge to grab one of his whiskeys.

"You scared me. I thought you went home already." I exhaled and walked back to the counter. "I'm fine, by the way. Victoria's just a bitch."

Axel stiffened before downing his alcohol in one gulp. "Right." He cleared his throat and poured himself another glass. "How did Wolff take it?"

"Oh, um. He's okay now, I guess." I said, hiding my flustered face beneath the curtain of my hair.

Throwing me a side-glance, he just nodded and drank again. Wasn't he drinking too much already?

"Hey, what happened after you left with Victoria?"

Axel may not have responded but I could feel the heavy tension on his shoulders and his choking grip on the glass he was holding. That was enough to tell me something didn't went right with her.

"What happened, Axel—"

"Just get back to Wolff and do what you're being paid to do." He suddenly snapped.

What the hell?

I tried to put his whiskey away but he captured my wrist instead. "Stop minding my business. Your duty here is nothing but to give Wolff pleasure."

Right then, my gaze darted down to his collar to find that the red smudge was still in there. Looking at it now in a much closer view, I couldn't help but jump into conclusions. Although, there was no way...

"What happened with Victoria, Axel?" I pushed, not caring about the impending outburst that was about to come at me. "How did you manage to calm her down after she pretty much humiliated me and her son in front of all the guests?"

"Stop talking." He gritted, pinching the bridge of his nose and placing his glass down the counter with a loud clink.

My blood was running cold, a bitter taste settling at the back of my throat. "Why did you do it?"

"Shut up, Mariana. You don't fucking know anything!" Axel advanced at me, forcing me to back against the wall as he towered over me. His nose was flaring and his jaw was grinding hard. I could almost feel the whirlwind of his thoughts deciding on what to do with me.

I gritted my teeth, my disgust flowing through my voice as I said, "There was only one person in that Gala who was wearing that shade of lipstick." I pointed at his collar. "Just thought you should know." I took his stunned and panicked expression as the opportunity to shove him away and slip out of the kitchen.

But before I left...

"Oh, and Axel?" I turned, glaring at him over my shoulder. "This conversation wasn't part of the NDA." And for the first time in my life, I gave someone an evil smirk.

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